"My family "

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" who was it ? who was the one who did it ?"

lucas said that clearly angry ready to kill whoever did this .

" ........."
but athanasia is silent .

it not like she doesen't want to say who did it .

it just that after what happend, her mind is quite blurry .
she is exhaused .

lucas notice that and sigh heavily.

" alright , I won't ask you right now . let me  heal you cheek first then we will talk about this ."

athanasia just nodded quitely .

they enter athanasia's room.

lucas used magic to heal her face after a long silence lucas spoke again.

" so ? who was it ?"

" ....."

" just so you know if you dont tell me I will found out myself and kill that person .
it would be better to tell me so that I won't kill an innocent person by mistake."

of course lucas can guess who did it but he wanted to hear athanasia's answer.

athanasia just stare at him for a while .

" that ....I was at the tea party then....."
she tell lucas what happend from de begining .

he just stay silent listening to her .

" this is what happend ."

" ......you told me at the cave that you passed all the 16 years of your life trying to get someone's attention was it him ?"

she seem quite surprised that lucas remember it but at the same time she feel ashamed .

" from what you told me and how you were treated he dosent deserve all that hard work of yours ."

" I know.I m really stupied right?"

she smiled weakly but that wasent a happy one but more a sad one .

her head was down and she stare at the floor .

" yes you were quite a fool but you realized that and tried to go froward now right?."

lucas left athanasia's chin with his fingers so that she can look at him in the eyes

" the real fool isent the one who make a mistake but the one who never acknowledge his mistakes and keep repeating them ....."


"you did great today and the work you'v put all this time isent for nothing  ."

lucas said that with a gentel voice .

athanasia felt something warm in her heart and tears would have fallen if she dident held them.

she always worked soo hard but no one ever praise her .

she was looked down on and treated like a fool who only is clingy to the empror.

so the fact that someone tell her that she did great even if lucas said it casually , she was really happy that she wanted to cry .

" thank you lucas ." she said trying to held her tears of happiness.

after a few minutes of silence lucas spoke again.

" okay , then I m going to torture that madman then kill him painfully .
until then rest well ."

lucas stand up ready to leave .

"!?!? no no no !!! lucas wait a second ." athanasia panicked and wrap her arms around lucas waist  to stop him.

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