the fight 2

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" allow me to take your life as a gift to your boyfriend "

"!?" what is he saying ?

" you're-..." athanasia said a bit unsure

" warren" he finished her sentence" I don't know if you know me but I do know you very well .after all how could I forget the face of my master's killer ?" he said as he launched an attack that athnasia blocked thanks to her sword

at this moment athanasia didnt need to hear any more .

" you want revenge ."

" exacly ! " he said quite pleased " thats why as I said earlier ' allow me to take your life '" he continued with a smile that made him look like a psycopath

athanasia didn't even shiver at that sight and just hold her sword towards him and said with a cold voice:

" bring it ."

Lucas POV

I'm not sure how much time had past but my eyes wouldn't believe what they were seeing and my body froze completely.

is it because I just saw that man who was supposed to be dead?

I wonder .

I've been a magician for years and there is something I understood very well

no matter how much strong I am or how many spells I know ..

once someone dies ,you can never bring back that person again no matter what..

and so that man right in front of me .he may look like my annoying master but he is not him.

so normally I should just kill him and move on but ..

how come I cant even move my body? .


when I was thinking about those useless things I was attacked again and I was slammed against the wall.

shit that hurts!!

" are you really going to just stand there ? shouldn't you fight back?" that white dude said with a light smile

" shut up . how about you turn back into your original form ? mister whoever you are ."

" it is my original form"

" cut the crap"

" it is ,and you know it because if you didnt you wouldnt stay like that against the wall . am I not right? "

" tsk "

" deep in your heart you know it but I suggest  you fight back .."  ball of fire appeard in his hand " or else you will die " he lanced at me

ahhh seriously what am I doing I need to block it !

but my body wouldn't move .

but then a shield was formed infront of me protecting me from the attack

that was not my magic but I do know who's magic it was .

" what are you doing sitting like that emperor of wizards?"

a really annoying voice indeed

the world tree.

" shut up."

" you must be really sick, you cant even use that sarcasm of yours " she said with a sly smile

tsk .

" that's why you should have listened to me ,but of course the great lord lucas dont listen to anyone except his girlfriend " she said dramatically

" why should I ? that person died longtime ago ,he cant go back to life even with black magic "

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