everything is solved for now

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athanasia POV

lucas clicked his hand and the place changed completely.

after seeing such a sight my mouth was opened and my eyes widden

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after seeing such a sight my mouth was opened and my eyes widden.

it was so beautiful.

we were in the middel of countless flowers .

" lucas this is....magnificent..." I said mesmerized .

" you like it ?"

" yes I love it ..but where is this?" I said still shocked but.." the air seem a bit strange too.."

how should I put it? it felt like all of this was like a dream..

" it's normal...this is ..a world I create for you as a gift" lucas said his face completely calm

" I see a world you crea-wait what?!?"
did I hear wrong ? I must have heared wrong

" this is a world I create for you as a gift why ? you dont like it?" he asked and titled his head

" you! what are you exacly?! how can you tell me that you CREATE a WORLD  like it was nothing?!?!" I asked surprised.

" well.this is just how much I'm strong . what do you think? do you love me more now?? " he grinned proud of himself.

I cant believe it ....this..is ...too crazy...

" I ...dont really know what to say..." I said at loss of words .

" even if I said ' world ' this is too much diffrent from our world . time is frozen " lucas explained .

" frozen ?" I asked .

" yes .everything is froze up .the flowers dont die , the wether is always the same .......since there is no changement I think its innapropriate to call it a ' world'" lucas explained while looking at the sundown.

" then if time is froze up here...does that mean that if we return to the real world not even a second has past?"

" yes....you stress yourself too much with your work...when you are tired come here and rest"

because he noticed that I was always tired of my duties ..he create this for me to rest without wasting any time .

I covered my face with my hands .

I really wanted to cry..

because I never thought I would meet someone who would love me to that point.

" hey what's wrong ? why are you covering your face? you dont like it?" lucas turned to me worried .

I removed my hands and smiled brightly.

" no I love it . thank you very much lucas "

seeing me lucas smiled gentely too.

" then Im happy .happy birthday my queen athanasia" he took my hand kissed it and then kissed my cheek gentely.

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