The crown princess.

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jennete POV :

I was at the emrald palace after athy and aunty get into a fight...

I absolutely hate fighting and it pained me to see the people I love yelling to each other so I couldent take it .

something like that never happend.

but ....these days athanasia is weird ..I dont see her a lot .....she is close with a  magician that I never saw .... she is dressing so fancy these days ....she seems so diffrent why?

even today she got into a fight with aunty she used to not care so why??...

" jennete ." I heard daddy calling me .

" DADDY!!"
I hugged him.

" athanasia will visit you ,she want to apologize to you ." .

athanasia want to apologize?

" yes ,so just wait until she comes."

" okay daddy."

I waited a littel then I saw athanasia entering.

" greeting princess jennete , did you call me for a special reason?"

hein? dident dad said that she was coming to apologize ?

" .........about today...." I said still remembering the tea party.

" ah . I wanted to aplogize for today I dident want to cause you trouble."

she is cold . it dosent look sincere at all.

she is totally diffrent .

" ......why? athy those months your weird you dont look like yourself ."

she change too much....
its no longer the sister that I know.

" back then you wouldent care about others .you always say it fine.why did you change , normally you wouldent care about what others says ." .

she was silent for a moment then says .

" jennete  what you'r saying is what you feel it's your feeling but what about my feeling ?
just because I said its fine ,did you think that I enjoyed being insulted ? you cried because you heard yelling today, so I wonder what you would have done.if you were in my seat .
of course his majesty would take care of  it for you."

i felt like someone slapped me, her words hurt me .
" that-"

" but unfortunatly I dont have his majesty to help me
the only one who can save me is me."

I stayed silent just staring at the table .
I was scared and hurt it was like I was being scold.

" I will get going jennte as for your question about why .I think I will let you think about it yourself.

I dident mean to hurt you so forgive me I was just trying to explain myself .
I ask that you dont tell his majesty.
then I will take my leave."

and she just left .some maids run to me worried.

" princess jennete are you okay???"

" this forgotten princess ,how dare she talk to you like that !?"

" we should tell his majesty!!"

they were speaking but I couldent hear anything.

is it true? I dident care about her feeling ? no that cant be I dident do anything wrong....

but what if its because I dident do anything that I hurt her?

" daddy...." I felt tears to my eyes .

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