the magical cave again us

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Athanasia POV :
"so how are you going to find him?" I asked lucas how to find carax .

he seem to woke up from his dreams

he was lost in his toughts.

" ah , yes lets go"

then he suddenly aproched me and left me in a princess hold ?!

" hey you?! w-what are you doing ?!"
I blushed hard and try to get away from him
what's with this guy! ?is he a pervert? how can he touch me just like that ?!

"stop moving what do you thing I m doing ? if we want to fly I need to hold you ." he said rather annoyed because of my agressive movement.

" why do we need to fly?!"

" to trac that bastard or you dont want to come anymore? "

"you can use magic to teleport why fly?!"I kept on yelling at him he doesent make sense

"stop yelling my ears are fragile!,and that bastard went to a place protected by magic and make it difficult to teleport with someone
so be grateful and stop complaining "

"'r a jerk "
" oh? sorry I dident hear right ? did you say that you wish to stay here ? " that jerk smile but I know that he is treating me

" not all lord lucas, I think you heared wrong , lets go quickly "  I said with a smile but I was annoyed

then with a fraction of a second we were a few meters above the lac .

"the hell it's scaryy!!!!" i was scared ,its so hight
i wrap my arms around hi neck because I was so scared ,
what if that guy drop me ?

" hey your hugging me too much loosen your grip " lucas said . he looks frustrate for some reason

"your not going to drop me right ? " i asked

"why whould I do that ?"

because your a jerk ! you'r perfectly capable of doing it!!!

"you have some trust hissue , I told you that I will take you with me " he said looking at me with a frown

did he read my mind?
" no I dident but your face say it all "

he is really a jerk

its the first time that i am this annoyed generelly no one can annoye me this much

it was a new feeling

"anyway lets get going already " I said a littel upset .

then lucas used magic and flow higher then moved really reallyy fast
I closed my eyes and and hold him tightly .

after 10 minutes lucas seems to slow down .

I opened my eyes and fond a cave in the middel of the forest .
is this where carax is ?

" are you sure its here?"

" do you think I can make a mistake ?"

" why whould carax chose this kind of place ?" I asked dumbfonded
it dosent make sense
I was imagining a place protected why a cave ?

"I feel magic from this place , its probably not a normal cave ." lucas explain

" is it dangrous?"

" who knows .
well nothing is dangrous to me " lucas said that while puting me down then start to walk straight to the cave .

"why ?because you'r strong ?" I asked
he must fear nothing because he is too confident .

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