we're finally back

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athanasia POV

I found lucas injured .

I was furious!! it made me want to tear apart the person who did this to him.

but still i was more than glad to see him safe ..  he seemed down at first  but it was soon replaced by the gentel smile he  would always show me .

I will ask him what happened later .
for now I want to go back and rest .

all of us need to rest . after that I will have to take care of this matter .

me and lucas walked out of the mansion and we saw jennete and duke noctem from afar

jennete was getting treated  .thank god she seems safe .

she noticed us " princess!! your excellency ! thank goodness you're okay!" she wanted to run toward us ,but duke noctem stopped her . she is still injured after all.

I smiled " jennete I'm happy that you're okay "

jennete got kiddnapped instead of me so I kind of felt guilty .

that's why I'm really happy nothing happened to her .

morever ,it looks like she found someone who truly care for her unlike her aunt or that spolied brat ijekiel .

I felt like I wanted to tease her and so , I went near her and whispered " isn't it good jennete ? duke noctem is taking care of you ,he also was very worried about you~"
as soon as I said that she became so red that she almost fainted

" n-no! t-this isn't what you think!!"

humm~it's funny .I can now understand why lucas find it amusing to tease me .

at the other side , I saw lucas and louic talking

" good to see you're alright your excellency ,although I knew you wouldn't die from this " duke noctem said to lucas

" just 'lucas 'is fine and of course nothing would happend to me .I'm the strongest after all " lucas said proudly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

how come I fall in love with him again?
also ,when did the two of you become such great friends?

I interrupt them " alright ,lets get going . we will regroup with the knights we left behind and return to the castle "

everyone nodded .

I was still worried for lucas he seemed tired which is rare , we need to go home as soon as possible .

.we were finally back home

we were able to regroup with the knights .they all seemed alive and that made happy.

the second the knights of the castle saw us ,they went to alert claude and everyone

our doctors and magicians  all come out to help us

they took care of my and duke noctem's knights .

lily who was on a chair was crying with felix behind her .

I run toward her and hugged her tightly

lucas seeing lily having only one leg looked confused at first but he soon understood what had happen .he clearly wanted to tell me something but he stopped himself ,probably to not interrupt my moment with her .

strangely even claude appeared and told me " looks like you're alive after all......well...welcome back " it was quite awkward specially since lucas was glaring at him.

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