The competition(1)

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athanasia POV:

today is finally the start of the competition .

I wonder what claude will do .

the only thing I heard is that there will be 3 parts .

today we are going to do the first one.

" princess , a letter from the palace have arrived " liliy gave me a letter that claude send .

I opened the letter .

" priness? what does it say,"

" it says that the 1 part will be about the managment of the palace" I told lily

" the managment of the palace?" lily titled her head .

" they will see if the palace is cleaned ,if the maids and butler are doing their work ,if they follow the rules ,the budget of the palace other-words they want to see how much are we good at managing the palace" I explained to lily and my maids .

" isnt it cheating ?! the empror is the one who take care of the emraled palace and how does that have anything to do with being a crown princess!!.
Im sure they just did it because they want to be at advantage against you your highness!!" seth said really annoyed.

" this is really not fair !" anna yelled.

" calm down everyone." I told them calmly ,when they were quite I continued.

" first of all, its true that his majesty is the one who take care of the emraled palace but the exam is not going to be just a tour at the palace  .
they are going to ask question about the managment and you need to stay calm and answer with confidence because an empror must always keep his calm.

second of all, it does have something with the titel of the crown princess ,
a princess who cant take care of a single palace cant possibely take care of an entier kingdom.

it's perfect for a first test " I explain to them quietly.

" this is our princess for sure you're so wise princess." Lily said really proud .

I smiled at them .

" okay lets hurry before the nobels come for the test !" anna said excitely.

" here princess since the palace names is " ruby' I prepared a red dress for you to show that its ' your palace- " seth said really excited too.

is it just me or I'am seeing fire emerging from them?

I laugh

" okay ,give it to me "

" okay ,give it to me "

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