the storm arrived

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at louic's palace :

jennete POV

my body feels heavy...

I used my magic to help athanasia but Im still not very good at controling it so I fainted..

to be honest this was the first time I saw someone dying right infront of me .

I can't say I didnt feel anything even if the person who died was just a stranger .

my body feels heavy and I felt someone carrying me and putting me on bed .

after a long moment I slept and then when I had enough strength I opened my eyes .

it was afternoon.

" are you okay daughter-in-law ?"
I turned to my left and saw louic's mother sitting in a chair near my bed .

probably waiting for me to wake up.

" madam.." I sit up and saw my cloths changed from my other bloody ones.

noticing my gaze the madam said" the maids change your clothes ,I'm sure any lady wouldn't want to sleep in dirty clothes" she said with a smile" I will ask the maids to prepare you something to eat Im sure your hungry"

" thank you" I said expressing my gratitude .

" the doctor said you just need to rest for a few days and you will be okay"

" I see....ah! but I need to assist the princess because of that incident !" I said remembering that a meeting will be held.

" no,you're not going . that son of mine will be good on his own. you need to rest"

good on his own...

" does that mean that he is fine with his work even without me?" I said feeling down .

" well he is but he is better with you .after all just because you can do everything on your own ,doesnt mean that it's not difficult" she said as if she was saying something obvious

she get up " well ,this mother-in-law will ask the maids to prepare food . I will return without you even knowing so dont feel lonely"

" madam..Im sorry I caused you trouble."

she stare at me for a minute and said" well just like I said once with a son like mine I can't be greedy"

I felt an arow percing my heart ( in a comic way)

" I see.."

she put her hand on my head and patted me.

" I'm joking ..I'm happy you're okay now daugther-in-law I was worried for you..
dont worry this mother-in-law of yours will take good care of you" she said with a smile and end it with a joke.

for someone like me who didnt have a mother it felt weird .

" madam..."

" ever since you came in,my relationship with louic have become better and the palace for some reason become more warm and welcoming compared to the cold atmosphere of before.....and more importantly that son of mine become a bit more ......humain...I'm sure it's thanks to you so thank you.." she said as if explaining why she is taking care of me. she continued " and beside you're cute "

I chuckled " thank you"

madam stayed with me and the maids took good care of me so,I didnt feel lonley at all.

several days pass and I feel much better.

however....well louic who visit me everyday have become a bit ....overprotective? ..

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