the great magician of the tower

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athanasia POV :

its been now 5 weeks since the ruby palace  was officially mine .

I had monstrious work .

there was so much problems to solve .

I sold  all the statue of naked woman of gold and use the mony to arrange the ruby palace .

I built a garden of roses in all the contours of the ruby palace . the smell of those flowers enchant all the palace ,and make it elegent and beautiful.

its my favorite flower beside it match the name of the palace "ruby" .

I rebuilt some rooms and change the decoration .

the ceilling of some rooms was falling ,

seriously !! how come did they neglect the palace that much?!

Lily is sever with the servents so every single one of them is doing their work properly .

Some of them returned the mony they stoll from the palace, I used it to change things like sofas ,tabels ,chairs..... that looked old ,not appropriate for the palace of the crown princess

my room that was old is now all new and built with jewels.

now the ruby palace is more appropriate to a princess but it is still not as good as the garnett palace or the emrold palace yet

to begin with ,the budget of ruby palace is too low .
I write a letter of budget increase to claude
I m sure he will approve it 

  in the past he just ignore it but now that its not his palace he dosent have a choice but to accept .

fortunatly , the studies about how to be a good ruler was not for nothing .

back then I was soo obssesd about

claude that I study to the point when it affect my health .

but right now I m reallly skilled  

I guess it wasen't for nothing .

thanks to this in  3 months the ruby palace will be more perfect than the garnett and emroled palace  .

I will  just have to work more .

a . there is still something else , I need to by new dresses and jewels that are more luxurious.

when you go to a party this is the first thing that the nobels see .

if I dress too simply I will only let the others look down on me .

but its not the right time .

first I need to change the ruby palace then I will take care of this .

the palace also need to be protected ....
the easiest way is to hire knights maybe I can disscuss it with felix .

but I am not sure if I have enough money to do so
increasing  or not , for now It still the forgotten princess palace , so the budget is still  low to hire a lot of guards .


I find a way !!!

a wat to not waste money and keep the ruby palace protected !

althought it will take some time but this the only option .

I m going to hire debutant knights and train them myself

hiring skilled knights is too expensive but not if I hire debutant and train them .

of course I still need to find a way to protect the ruby palace until the knights are well trained .

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