the fight part 1

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warren POV

3 days have past since that incident at the palace and I was able to capture lucas .

finnaly I can get my revenge .

lucas is right now before my eyes chained on a chair unconscious .

I knew that it was impossible to capture him with any kind of spell.

he is too strong for that but just like I thought if it's related to athanasia then he become weak..

once he wake up I will make him pay for killing my master .

as for athanasia .....

unfortunetly that cousin of hers took her place .

I was planning to torture her but ..its okay Im sure it would be funny to see the look on her face ....when I will show her her lover's corpse .

I smirk.

in the mean time ..

" master warren..." one of my man said .

I turned to him

" what are we supposed to do with the other princess " he asked with the princess in his hands .

" well..she have dark magic in her body so we can use it for experiences but neverthless I dont need her alive .kill her but dont harm the body .
put her in a box full of water once you're sure she is dead ,freeze the water and put her in my lab" I said then turned to the unconcsious lucas .

when you explain it like that it sounds like a recipe of some cake but well..

" yes sir " . without further ado they got out of the room .

I turned to the man at my mercy.

" until when are you going to stay asleep ? you cant imagine how much I want to crush you right now " I said angrily

that arrogant man who killed my master .

" after Im finished with you you won't think high of yourself ever again ,you will stop thinking of yourself as a god " I said ready to use my magic to wake him up and torture him

but then I heared a voice coming from him

" think of myself as a god? how dare you insult me . I could beat a god with my finger " lucas looked up at me with that stupied smirk on his face " and what do you mean 'crush' me? seems like you have drunk quite a lot "

I punched him with all my strength

" you -! I will kill you I will make you regret you acts !!" I yelled at him.

he looked up at me again this time his face extremely cold and terrifying

terrifying? why ...why do I find it terrifying ? why does my hand cant move to punch him again ? why is my body trembling by looking at his face ??..why ...Am I scared? ..

seeing my reaction he smirk again

" see? you may think that you are strong but the truth is that you are a weakling just like that master of yours . both of you are pitiful "

I grit my teeth.

I turned around and ordered my mans who guarded the door

" torture him until he cant speak ! use everything you can to make him suffer "

" yes sir "

end of warren POV

at warren orders the mans start hiting lucas with all kinds of tools and some even tried to use druggs on him

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