the princess is angry

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athanasia POV:

" lord alpheuse ." I said coldly.

" princess , I wish you a happy birthday" he bow down

I was disgust by him that day so I'm having a hard time respecting him

" you may raise ,what is it my lord?" I said wanting to leave as soon as possible and well....lucas might kill him if I stay too much time with him .

" I can see that you and the magician are together you're highness" he said looking at my ring .

" please be more careful with your words"

" yes your highness." he said with a sad smile then he turn to jennete .

" jennete " he looked at her seriously.

jennete seemed uncomfortable but answered

" yes my lord?" she said respectfully

" since when did I become "my lord "?"

" since I got engaged "

" jennete ,you are clearly used by duke noctem dont fall for his trap" he got close and I start glaring at him

" ....I dont think you of all people should be talking about this ijekiel" she said with a sad face.

" that's enough" I interrupt them

this discussion is not going anywhere anyway.

" let's go jennete " I said and put my arm behind her back then I said to ijekiel" please enjoy the party my lord"

we left.

" are you okay jennete?" I asked her carefully

" yes .I'm fine your highness " she said with a smile

" you are also a royal you know?" she keep calling me your highness

she chuckled " no .I have already given up that titel"

" I see.."

we arrived at where helena was .

" miss helena" I called for her

" your highness"

" jennete this is helena and miss helena this is jennete "

" nice to meet you " they both said to each other .

we start talking together .

for a first birthday party. Im quite happy .Im enjoying my time and...

...lucas said he have a gift for me I wonder what it is .

abruptly helena start coughing .

" helena are you okay ?" I asked concerned

" yes ..I-I think..." she kept coughing and blood was shown.

right after that she fainted .

" helena!!" I went to her and took her in my arms

she was clearly poisoned .

I saw lucas coming in my way.

" what happend?"

" s-she fainted ....she was poisoned " I panicked .

why would someone try to kill her in my bithday party? no more importantly will we be able to save her ??

my hand shaked and I felt lucas put his hand on mine .

he was right beside me

" calm down .I can save her and eliminate the poison .just let me see her " he took my place and inspected helena's body .

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