let's save lucas!

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athanasia POV

....after some hours of struggling, all the demons return to their home.

by chance the monsters didnt reach the village otherwise countless commoners would have died .

...there was times when I felt really sad .

when claude was harsh to me .
when everyone was mocking me..

but it was the first time I felt this much pain.

I just discovered that my nanny lost her leg.

they were able to stop the bleeding and save her life but....

....losing a leg ...I cant even imagine the pain...

...she is now unconsious on the bed ..

I should be by her side but I couldn't face her .
not when I wasnt there when she was in danger .

a lot of servents in the ruby palace died .

anna ,seth,lily,the butler and some other ones survived .

the morning of the next day came and I was in my room alone , my head in my knees and my sobs could be heared .

..lucas and jennete were kidnapped after  trying to protect me

I dont know if they are alive or not.

all obelia's palaces were damaged .

we need to apologize to siodonna and arlanta's royals for everything that happend .

even if it has nothing to do with us they still blame us..

claude is dealing with all that mess.

as a crown princess Im supposed to go there and take care of it too but...

tears wouldnt stop from falling

" I cant move..sobs* I really cant ..its too much.." I said crying silently.

if I was much more strong I wouldnt be in this situation!


end of athanasia POV

" princess athanasia doesnt want to get out of her room ,she is even refusing to eat anything." anna said to the butler worried sick .

" its logical ..miss lilian was injured really badly and cant move .
even his excelency disappeared so, she must be depressed " the butler said .

the palace was a mess .

everyone was terribly busy trying to repare all the damage that the demons caused .

then the both of them saw a figure approching .

their eyes widden" huh? why ...are... you here?...........your majesty "

a few minutes earlier :

ever since yesterday, claude was extremely busy.

arlanta and siodonna's royals complained and blame obelia  for what happend .

to calm them ,he promised to catch the one behind all of this..

well, to be honest he is used to these kind of  problems after he became emperor but....

he turned to the couch near his desk.

usually this place would be occupied by athanasia while she do the payperwork.

actually ,as the crown princess normally there is a need for her to be here ..

claude heared what happend at the ruby palace

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