how to be a good girlfriend

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duke noctems palace.

louic POV

" until when are you going to stay like that ? I kind of need you to do your work" I said sitting in my office and looking at keiji who was in the corner sitting on a chair  completely lifeless.


" are you still dead because of the news?"

"!! AHHHH YOU OF ALL PEAPLE !!YOU OF ALL PEOPLE!-" I throw a chair right at his face

" stop yelling ."

" I can you expect me to act normal!?!? you just come from the palace  and the first thing you tell me is that you're going to marry princess jennete ?!"

" no I said that we will evaluate her and if she is good enough she will become the duchess of this place ." I said calmly
he get up and walk to me

" are you hearing yourself? you always refuse every single woman that want to marry you and you had countless fights with your mother about this but now you want to marry someone and she is from those royals that you hate so much?!"

" I never said I hate the royals ."

" I doubt after what his majesty did to you"

I looked up at him ,my face was neutral but I was a bit annoyed

" look,I dont hate the royals the only one responsible here is my father ."

" even so the empror shouldn't have donne that"

" ...."

I went silent.

of course no one really know the story behind the noctem family

keiji thinks he does but it's not true

I sigh

" anyways let's not talk too much about this just tell mother but I doubt  lady jennete will be my fiancé .
there is nothing much to learn in 3 weeks." I said

" hein?"

" why are you still here go back to your work"

" yeah.yeah." he didn't say more and left

end of louic POV

athanasia POV work .

I sigh.

it never ends.

claude went to his meeting but I didn't follow him I had other work to do.

" princess ,we need to begin the preparations for the festival" a nobel man who was following me to help me told me

the festival.

it is a day that happend every 3 years.

the royals of the three contrys will be reunited in the same room

obelia ,arlanta and sieodona.

it's is a day to show the people that we are in peace and that we are in good terms.

this day was create because we used to not have a good relation between us

it's is a way of saying " we are in peace"

this year ,the festival will be held in obelia so we need to prepare it very well.

he will be held in a few months.

" yes ,you're right .send me the documents to the ruby palace I will start right away" I order him and start heading back

humm for some reason I have a bad feeling .

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