I will win

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jennete POV :

daddy's meeting take a while today .

a knight just informed me that he can't meet me today.

...I dont feel good ..

" jennete !!!"

aunt rosaria barged into my room .

did something happend ? she looks stiff.

uncle roger is also with her 

" aunty ? how come you're here you're not supposed to visit today ."

" jennete there is something we need to talk  about " she told me her eyes really serious .

" hein? what is it ?".

aunty rosaria told me about dads meeting .

" hein? athanasia is going to be crown princess?" I said a littel confused .

actually I dont know how to react .

" no both of you are going to compete to see who is going to be crown princess.
no matter what you need to win" aunty said severly.

" hein? why? I will tell dad to just make athanasia crown princess.
she is more experienced in this then me beside I don't wish to be empress"

" jennete !!" aunty slam the table and yelled

" are you going to let that littel girl kill us ? if she become empress she will have our head !"

" what are you talking about aunty ? athanasia will never do something like that.."I told her with a trembling voice .

I didnt like to be scold like that.

uncle approch aunty .

" rosaria dont yell" he told her and she calmed herself .

" jennete what made you think she won't do it ? didnt you see how she looked at me at the tea party?" aunty said while looking at me .
it was as if she was about to cry.

" that's..."

I suddenly remember the events of that day.

" jennete please you need to win ..we are your only family"

I heard those words .

I hesitate for a moment

" princess jennete I think contess rosaria is right"
the maids start talking and begin to push me to participate

do I really have to?

" okay then.."

I agreed but ....I feel strange ..it's as if ....As if I didnt know something ...like a puppet.

no. Im sure Im just thinking too much.

" okay! then lets start working for you to win , we will help you ."

aunty and uncle said that they will help me and that I dont have to worry about anything.

end of jennete POV

athanasia POV :

ahhhhh ,so much work....

I start to solve the problems of rogers territory that was now mine.

I sent my knights to the regions of terrorism or rebellion .

and also to catch the people that are selling drugs .

speaking of which .

I was quite shocked about the reports they send me .

they said that during the trip to the territorys, they discover some villages which has enormous problems .

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