A new friend

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athanasia POV

the day was really busy ,I think the ruby palace was never that active .

my maids kept on putting masks on me and all sort of creams .

it was already afternoon and I had to start greeting the guests so the maids helped me wore my dress and put my jewels

it was already afternoon and I had to start greeting the guests so the maids helped me wore my dress and put my jewels

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" as always you look beautiful your highness!"

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" as always you look beautiful your highness!"

" ahhh you look gorgeous"

the maids praised me .

" thank you" I said happily.

in the past I never selebrate my birthday .lily would prepare me a cake and a gift and I was happy about it but somhow it always felt embty like something is messing .

" what are you thinking about?" a voice surprise me .

it was lucas .

he was wearing a formal blue uniform( like in chapter 115) , his long hair was tied up in a ponytail with silver earing.

in another word he was stunning and would make blind anyone which is why I'm covering my eyes a bit .

is this god really my boyfriend ?

" why are you covering your eyes ?" he titled his head .

because of you.

" your formal clothes is blinding " I said simply

" oh? does that mean I look really good in formal cloths??" he smiled

" hum .I still prefere the cothes you wore the day you burst in the palace at jennete's birthday but you look quite stunning anyway" I said holding my chin

" how is it that you're not blushing? " he asked a bit disappointed

" I suppose I got used to it " I said proudly

" humm ." he smirk and took my hand and bring it to his lips

" how strange.. no matter how much time pass I can't seem to be used to your beauty " he kissed my hand and smile victorusly

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