The palace got attacked

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AthanasiaPOV :
"more to your left your highness!"

its been now 3 weeks since I start  to train with the teacher that lily hired

the lessons were difficult because i dont have enough staminia  and muscles .

its not surprising , its not easy to learn how to held a swords, its sooo heavy !!!

the first week ,I thought that my arms are going to be separated from my body!!!

the more I train , the more I can feel strenght flowing inside my body

"incredible your highness , you'r really amazing , most people wont be able to improve that much with just 3 weeks of trainnig " my teacher said with a stupefying look .
he seem to be shocked because i learn that fast , actually he said that i was probably more strong then most of his students .

I just still lack in term of staminia and muscles but i learn easly the movements ,
in other words Im a genius !

"is that so? , well its all thanks to your guidance after all thank you ."

"not it all princess , its a honnor to help you . lets stop here for today princess i will see you tomorow ."

" alright." i said with determiation


"aaaaa it feels soo gooood~~~"
taking a shower after such a hard training is the best !!!

"princess , its time to eat dinner " Lily called me and helped me to dress up

"woow , this all my favorite dishes !!!"
i look at the table with sparkling eyes
my stomach become big ever since i start training !!

" i hope you like it , it was specially prepared for her highness"
"thank you lily "

"did you hear about the assasins that the guards were unable to find ? "

when i was eating I heard the conversation of the servents
" you stop talking about such thing infront of her highness!!" Lily told them
i suppose that she think that kind of news will make me unable to sleep at night .like a child that we read a scary story before bed ..
" its okay , tell me more about it ." i orderd them i was quite curious about it

"princess!!" Lily shouted but i ignore her ,i dont want to be the weak princess anymore .

"actually......"the servent told me the story about tha assasins that took 10 victimes .
aparently even magicians wernt able to find any trace of them , it's strange.

" dont think too much about it princess" lily tried to reassure me thinking that i was scared
even if i told her im not she wouldnt believe me so i just let it slide
"im sure his majesty will find them right away "

"yeah ,even if it was one person behind all that .." i muttered to myself
"what princess?"
"nothing Lily, good night "
" good night princess ."

Seeing how many assasin were actif in the same time means that either they decide to work together which is impossible since assasins dosnt have a  common goal ,they just kill people to satisfy their rich client and got paid

so the only option that is left is ...

they work for the same client .

generally we hire an assasin for abvious reson like getting revenge or to kill our enemy or to optain power

but unless its is not in war , we avoid this because if you get caught killing a nobel even if you are one , its the prison for you

so what is the goal of that person?

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