where did the pitiful princess go?

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AthanasiaPOV :
" humm..m"
I opened my eyes slowly

where am I ?

It is my room?

" princess!!! you woke up !!"
lily run toward me .
she seems worried .

she hugged me tightly .

"I m soo happy that you'r okay , I was sooo worried ."

lily . she is always the only one who worry about me .

I hugged her back

"sorry for worring you  Lily ,
what happend ?"

"His majesty send guards to surch for you but they couldn't find you , when I come to clean your room at dawn I saw you were in the room sleeping , you had so much blood , I thought i would lose you ,but you wernt injured  "

Lily explain to me what happend.when I was sleeping
lucas probably is the one who  put me here .

I told him that he can come in the ruby palace as a price for helping me .

but I suppose that someone as strong as him doesnt need it .

so I will surely never meet him again .

I m not that close to him but we still worked together

I wish I was able to see him a last time.


lily told me that claude sent kinghts to find me .
maybe it is jennete who told him to do that ,or he was just obliged to do that because of his duties as an empror
I m still a princess after all ,

but there is one more thing it looks like they found carax's body

it must be lucas doing .

"princess athanasia his majesty want to meet you ."
a maid enter my room and told me that .
he must have a lot of questions ,
me and carax was found in the same time .its suspicious

" okay .I will take a shower, have breakfast then go see him"

the maid flinched .

" but princess his majesty is wating you should just dress up ."

in the past I was like that i shower then dress up and go without eating before jennete come because he only see her when she is with us .

" since when a maid tell her master what to do?" I answer quite coldly .

the maid looked shoked
"I-I m sorry I didnt mean to ..."

" its okay you did your job so just go .
Lily help me dress up ,please."
I took a shower then dress up as normaly as possible unlike before when I wake up sooo early and dress up soo formaly to meet him .

lily used to scold me because repeating the same thing everyday  made me tired
one day I even collaspe , I really worked hard for nothing .

I walked to the garnette palace 
its been a while since I last come here .
from the day of claude's birthday

after all there is no reason to come anymore .

I approched claudes study room .

I saw sir robane standing by the door
he notice me and bow down

"blessing and glory upon the sun of the obelia empire your hightness "

"greeting sir robane it s been a while , I believe you'v been well?"

"yes princess, and please just call me felix princess.
I heard you disappear in the middle of night I 'm happy to see you are fine"

"thank you felix .
is his majesty here?." felix seem surprised that I call claude his majesty I used to call him daddy .

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