we started a new life

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athanasia POV

I fast walked to the garnette palace where claude is wating for me full of anger .

well I'm sure he is angry considering it's my first day as a crown princess

he will probably tell me that I'm fooling around .

hum. he will say this.

the inconvenient of being crown princess is that I need to see his stupied face often😑

I arrived at his door .

I sigh.

okay athanasia !get ready to face the dragon!

I walked in then bow down.

" blessing and glory upon the sun of the obelia empire your majesty" I greet him

I looked at him and ..yeah just like I thought.

" I hope you have a good reason for arriving so late " he asked coldly

" I hope you have a good reason for arriving so late " he asked coldly

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" I apologize your majesty, I was careless this won't happen again"

" it's the first day of you being crown princess but you are already starting it badly. I wonder if you really can do the rest " he continue to scold me

if he is angry just because of that then I need to do the documents and the other things perfectly.


I still remember what he told me yesterday .

honestly ,if it was someone else in my body who experience that he will probably not want to see claude face ever again and even kill him the second he get the chance .

I would lie if I say that I dont think so.
sometimes I also wish to see him suffer .

but...well..hating someone is exhausting ,and I still need him alive after all I need some experience at gouverning.  watching claude is the best way ,even if I dont want to admit it he is a good empror .

beside ..even if I can't really hurt him..

" you know your majesty they say even if someone is pretty like a god if he has a dirty personality then he is no better than a trash ,don't you think so?" I smile at him.

he frowned ,probably because he understand I was talking about him

" what are you insinuating?"

" me ? nothing. it was just something I read in a book and I wanted to say it to you ,it can be useful to you" I smile innocently.

 it was just something I read in a book and I wanted to say it to you ,it can be useful to you" I smile innocently

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