we just want honest feelings

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athanasia POV

d-did I say something wrong?

there was a long silence until lucas spoke

" good joke ,now sleep"

" what joke? I'm serio-ah!" athy didn't finish her words that the blanket was wrap around her tightly.

" hey what are you doing?!" I asked

" putting you to sleep" lucas answerd

" why don't you just come too and we sleep together" I asked dumbfounded.

I received a flick on my head
" Aw what was  that for?!"

" for being not careful ,didn't I tell you before that you can't just invite a man in your bed?"

" you're my boyfriend so what's the problem?"

what's with him?

" even so it's still dangerous for you .I will go to my room" he said and was ready to go

you!! how dare you?!

I remove the blanket and hold him by the arm

" w-what are you doing?" he asked blushing a littel

" putting you to bed." I said dead serious

" w-wha-"
I didnt let him finish and make him fall in the bed beside me

I placed my hands beside his head and was now above him

he become rigid and went a bit pale

"next time when I tell you an order don't argue with me. 💢" I said looking down at him

I felt he was sweating and blsuhing a littel.

" why aren't you answering?" I asked him mencingly

" y-yes.." he said turning his head to the other direction.

upon hearing his answer I change my position and lie down on bed

" sometimes I think you're the dangerous one..." lucas mumbled

hum I can see his ears red from embarrassment

I felt proud of myself .

I hold his arms tightly and pulled him closer to me then I hugged him.

" w-why you.." lucas stutter

" what? "

" nothing." lucas sigh

there was a slinece in the room until I spoke

" lucas "

" hum?"

" how was your life before meeting me?
I know that you don't really like to talk about your past and I respect that ..even so..."


" I would be happy if I get to know more about lucas " I said smiling


lucas stayed silent for a moment then he wrap his arms around me and gave me a hug

"...sometimes ..I wonder how come someone like me have a place in you heart " he whispeared

" what do you mean?" I asked confused

" I was never lucky when it comes to love...actually countless people hate me .they want to see me death but since I'm more strong than them they can't do anything .
I too didn't plan to love anyone because I consider myself as someone who is just watching this life but not really a part of it"

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