the tea party

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athanasia POV:
two days have passed and now I am getting out from a meeting at the garnett palace .

since I become the responsible of the ruby palace I need to attend to some meeting with the nobels .

I work a lot but I give myself some rest .

now that I think about it lucas was right .

I will hurt my health if I stay like that .

also this morning I trainned the knights I can see that they dont like my presence but after I beat them up they dont dare to even say a word to me and just obey me .

although I dont really like it .

I want them to be motivate and proud knights but ....

how can someone like me teach them that?

I was always look down on.

I m sure they are pitying themselves for having someone like me as their master

* sigh*

" blessing and glory upon the sun of the obelia empire your majesty ." a calm and elegent voice spoke to me .

it was ijekiel alpheus.

" gretting young lord alpheus ,how are you doing ?" I greet him with a small smile.

" I m doing fine your highness ,how about you you look tired ." He said with a kind of worried face .

" I m doing perfectly fine , the young lord is mistaken "

" is that so,? then I m sorry " he just smile as if what I said was funny

Ijekiel was always like that since I first met him .

he keep smiling .

call me watever you want I always feel that his kindness is fake .

I m not saying that he is forced to be kind to me .

I m sure he is proud of this kindness .

but his kindess is useless ,

he is gentel and happy the second he see me.

but he never tried to help me or to be by my side when I was hurt by claude's harsh words .

he never tried to comfort me ,he come only when I m fine

he is a person that talk but doesn't do anything to prove his words .

" I thought you would be with princess jennete ." I said politly with a smile.

" yeah ,she asked me to come to the garnnett palace." he just answered uncomfortably.

" I see-" just when I was about to say goodbye a voice interrupt me and I was pulled into a hug .

" athanasia!! its been so long ! geez and you said you would come from time to time !!!" this was the voice of jennete.

" jennete hello ,I m happy you're okay .
and to answer you , I did come from time to time but you werent there ." I just return the hug and told her calmly .

" really ?! I didn't know at all!!"

" I think you were with his majesty ." I just said calmly .

" humm maybe ." she said while thinking then she turn her face and seem to notice ijekiel.

" ijekiel!you are here I was thinking what took you so long ." jennete spoke to him

lets escape now!

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