my new knights

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" well lucas " athanasia turn to lucas and smile

" welcome to the ruby palace from now on you'r a part of this place and a part of my people ."

lucas looked at her with unsure face.

for some reason .
maybe its the way she said it ,but he feel strange when she told him that he was a part of a place .

"your people ? since when did I become your subbordiante?"

" first not my subbordinate but my people and second, I m the owner of this palace ."

" you said it like you want  me to feel that  your doing me a favor , when  I m the one who helped you .
I dont like it ."

" dont worry your excellency I wont force you to like it ." athy said with an angelic smil that hide sarcasm.

" so basically  you'r saying that you don't care whether I like it or not ."

" no waay , his excellency must be imagining things ." she then turn away and start to walk towards the entrance of the palace leaving lucas following her .

" I will show you your room ."

they enter the palace  .
" princess are you already back ?" Lily come to welcome athanasia with a smile then she notice lucas behind her

"princess ,...who is that gentelman ?" 
she looked at luas a little suspicious

she dosent trust people that easily because she is worried for athanasia who is hated by a lot of persons .

" Lily this is  lucas the great magician of the tower  ,he is a... ...friend of mine ,yes  a friend .
and from now on   he is going to live in the ruby palace .
lucas , this is Lily my nanny ."

" greeting." lucas simply said that .

lily was silent for a moment ,the princess that was always alone and even went to the party alone come back with a man that was her " friend " .

then she get a hold of herself .
" greeting to the great magician of the tower " she bow down a little .

" I will show the room to lucas ,
he had a long trip so please prepare him something warm to eat ."

" yes princess"

Lily went to the kitchen .

and athanasia walked to show lucas his new room .

" when did we become friends ?" lucas asked while walking behind her .

" well to me I consider  you as my friend ,but feel free to consider me that or not ." athy just answerd that .

" hummmm...."

they arrived at a big room .

" this your room ,it is next to mine "

" your talking as if it was my room from the beging ."

" well I promised you ,so even before you come I arranged a room for you

well I dident think you would really come thought "

she explain calmly .

they enter the room .

it was a huge room , we can  see a large bed in the middel , a desk near the window and a small room where you put your clothes .

a bookcase with some books
and a luxurious bathroom

all the room was beautiful and decorate 
with some golds

" I hope you like it ,I put the books randomly since I dont know what you like ,I choose magic books but if you prefer something else
you can ask the butler for other books .

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