the confession (2)

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athanasia POV:
"I love you my queen"

I froze up at his words .

did I hear correctly?

I looked at him dumbfounded.

he is analysing my reaction.

I can feel that he is a littel nervous

" hein..w-well...heu...I..mean..." I stutter not knowing what to say.

this is too sudden .

lucas love me?

he looked away from me .

was it disappointment in his eyes ?

does he think I dont love him back?

" its okay even if you reject me I will still try until you say yes.." he said looking away.

he seems sad ..

no no no ...I never wanted lucas to be sad because of me !!

" we should leave " lucas said as we were getting down.

I sense that the atmosphere changed

I dont know what to do.

I dont know if I like lucas in that way or not but..

" wait .lucas!" before he start walking,without thinking, I pulled him by his collar and kissed him

I can sense his eyes widening in shock.

yes I'm also shocked! dont worry you're not alone!!

after a few seconds he wrap his arms around my waist and kissed me back closing his eyes .

we stayed like that for a moment then we part away.

I'm sure my face is the same color as his eyes .

he stare at me clearly waiting for an explanation

although I'm embarassed as hell ,I opened my mouth.

" I...I..dont really know what to answer because I dont know what it means to be loved in that way...I ...mean "
I stutter ,not knowing how to put my thought into words

" what I mean is the only relationships I know is from books I used to read when I was younger ..I dont know if what I'm feeling for lucas is love but...
you're someone really special to me.. I can't possibly imagine a life without you and I really want you to stay by my side forever if possible "

" ...."

he is not answering is he upset ?

" while I dont have any experience in love ..maybe we can try? to be a c-couple I mean.."

no answer .

will....will lucas leave me because of my answer ?

I ..I dont want to lose lucas no matter what...

I start panicking .

the fear of losing lucas put me in a state where I couldn't do anything but worry.

I was looking at the floor waiting for a reply but instead I felt a pair of hands cupping my face and without having a time to react lucas pulled me and locked our lips

alright ,I can feel butterflies in my stomach like in the novels I read .

my heart beat so fast that it can explode

am I going to die because the god of beauty 1 is kissing me?!

his arms are wrap around me .

I'm totally at his mercy.

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