lets go home

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jennete POV

"louic " I said  relieved to see him .

he inspected me and noticed my hand

he frown which is quite rare since he always put on a cold face

he walked toward me and grap my hand gently

" how did this happend ?" he asked after seeing my burned hand

" that's ...well.." not only is my hand burned but my nose is bleeding and my body is injured .

I must look horrible .

he saw the old manwho wanted to kill me all burned up  and said " I see ...I think I can picture what happened here"

huh? really ? how come?

" do you have the power to see the past?" I asked curious

" what are you saying ? is it what people call 'jokes'?" he looked at me confused not understanding what I'm saying .

I laughed a bit and said " thank you for saving me louic "

he stared at me then said " sorry I couldn't arrive earlier "

he took off his coat and put it on my shoulders

" it's fine ! really ! look I'm alive ..even if I look quite ugly " I said half joking

he looked at me confused " you almost died do you think the apparance matter now? and who would look pretty in this kind of situation ?"

well ...its louic after all so, I'm not that surprised by this answer

" huh?" louic put his hand on my head and patted me

" you worked hard to survive jennete you deserve respect for that .I'm proud to have you as my fiancé " louic smiled a bit .

I tried to held them but I couldnt,tears kept on falling .
I used to recive a lot of praises but it's the first time someone said it with so much honesty .

louic embraced me until I calmed down

" we should go back now" he helped me stand up .

" ah. wait !his excellency is probably here we need to save him "

" it's alright . princess athanasia went to save him ,Im sure she is strong enough .lets wait for them outside while we treat your wound .if they take too much time we will go help them."

I nodded still worried .

princess...please be safe .

end of jennete POV

" M-Mom..." athanasia said those words completly petrified .

diana smiled at her " my daugther , you became such a beautiful lady ."

athanasia felt like her heart is going to explode from happiness .
being able to see her mother giving her such a gentel smile make her want to cry .

" you really have worked hard ,Im proud of you" diana said with tears on her eyes .

seeing this athanasia couldnt help herself and cried " MoM !!"

diana open her arms then said " athanasia .will you come with me? somewhere we can live together for eternity "

hearing this athanasia stopped her tears and looked at her .

" I.."

At the same time the world tree was fighting warren

'tch. I cant kill him otherwise the princess will die but I cant stop this spell either .what am I suppose to do?' the world tree kept on blocking warren's attack while trying to find a solution

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