The first meeting

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Athanasia POV
"so , who sent you and and where is he right now?" I said with a cold voice

"why should I tell you?!,Im a proud assasin I prefer to die with honnor !!"

"ohh?? , dont worry I m not cold hearted I wont kill you ....
however I can't guarantee that I won't hurt you " I said with a smile on my face
"w.what do you mean? " the assasin said with a trembling voice

i just smile to him

I attached him with a rope to the wall
and ..
" okay , lets see if I have a good precision but since it's not fun to use small arrows , I will use my sword "
I kept on smiling like a psycopath , even I was a little surprised with my attitude but ohh who cares ?

" what?!nooo wait have pity !!!" the guy attached began to cry
" then tell me the answer that I want ."
" I-i dont know -" before he finish his sentence   I throw a sword at him right next to his head .
" this is not the answer that I want .
the next one is between your legs ."
" what?!"
" I told you that I wont kill you but I will torture you . so ?"
" alright alright !!! I will tell !!"
" good "

he told me the story about his boss aprently his boss want to become empror by killing all the current royals

the assasin that was sent can't use magic which means the explosion that was heard was provoked by the barrier that was on claude and jennete to protect them from assasins
I dident have one of course .
"princess!!! are you alright ???!"
lily enter my room while shouting , she come to check one me after hearkng the screams of that guy .
she looks confused about the situation
i was supposed to be the victim but the opposite was fond
" yes Im fine Lily dont worry . call the guards to take this assasin . "
" w-what ? , aa yes princess im doing it right away !"
Lily is confused but is going to do it without asking too much .
she is trying to convince herself that she dosent have to do everything a my seat anymore .

then she went to call the guards
, then  i too will go .
there is something I need to do .

I changed my clothes and get out

End of athanasia POV

" it seems its not going to be easy to kill the royals " carax said a smile on his face .
" killing  those idiots is easy , its just you who is too stupied " lucas replied to his comment with a moking ton

" do you wish to help me lucas ? " carax ask the stupiedest questiton ever , he know the answer but still he wanted to try .

" are you serieously asking this ? , why whould someone like me help someone like you "
" you dident have to say it with such harsh words "
"I wasent made to be gentel with everyone ."

" your right after all if you are too gentel ,people will only use you , but this is the only way to be loved by someone."

" ......." lucas stayed silent this sentence bother him because he can't help but this question

if I were like that ,would you have wanted to live more?

this annoying me .

" you know what ?I will just kill you after all." lucas told him

" did I touch a sensitive point?"

but just when lucas was going to attack carax , an arrow was trown by someone at carax on his left .
carax doge it by moving to his right where there is a lac .
in a fraction of seconds , a beuatiful girl with golden hair and jewel eyes that glow in the dark attack him with her sword .

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