Two Souls Meet

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           It's the day for Avni to go to Khanna's kingdom as a maid. She doesn't know when she will be back in her kingdom. She packed everything she wants and even Ria. The King allowed Ria to go along with her as he thought she will guard her against the harm. The caravan was ready.  Avni and Ria come outside of the palace with her family members. Aman showed his brother love to Avni by gifting fruits for her. She can eat in the way along as she will travel for long distances. Sena and Mitali didnt give anything to her or didnt show any love to her. Rohini told her to be disciplined, respect and do whatever prince Neil asked her to say. She didnt say anything to take care of herself. The King gave a box to her and asked them to open it when she was in danger. She nodded and got that from him. She and Ria get into the caravan and the soldier starts to ride. Avni and Ria started their journey towards the khanna kingdom. After 3 days, the caravan entered the khanna kingdom. When they were on the way to the mansion, Ria starts to speak with Avni.

Ria: Princess, you are one of the beautiful princesses...

Avni: Now, why you are saying this?

Ria: Let me complete it, princess. What if prince Neil get mesmerized in your beauty and try to take advantage of you by saying that you are his maid?

Avni: Are you thinking that I will...

Ria: No princess, not like that. But we have to be careful, right.

Avni: I think you already planned something. Tell me.

Ria: Here is the idea.

        On the other side, everyone in the khanna mansion waiting for the Mehta princess to arrive. In the hall, the king, his 3 wives and his children and ministers are sitting there. One of the soldiers came there and informed that the Mehta princess has arrived at the mansion. Asha smiles and gets up to invite her. But, Neil stops her.

Neil: She is not any princess or queen to invite her grandly. She is just a maid of mine.

Asha: Neil, you?

Neil: What? getting angry? Don't forget my condition. Now sit down in your place. She has legs and eyes. She can walk and come here by seeing. Moreover, the guard will guide her.

       The King asks her to sit silently. As there is no option left she sat in her place. The guards came there with Avni and Ria. By the outfit of Avni, they found that she is a princess. The guard left the place after they came there. They both greet the king and 3 queens. They are all confused by seeing Avni. Because she covered her face with the veil. They could only see her eyes. The King starts to speak.

Surendra: Welcome you to our kingdom, Mehta princess. May I know what is your name?

Avni: I am the Daughter of King Deva. First princess of Mehta empire. My name is Avni. And I am here to work as a maid to prince Neil.

Neil: Do you know about your duties?  Dont even thinks in your dreams that I will give less work or not even give work as you are a princess.

Avni: I won't prince. And I know about my duties. I will fulfil it until you leave me to my nation.

     Neil laughs by hearing that which makes everyone confused. After getting the glare from the king he stopped his laughs.

Neil: See here no Avni

        Everyone saw him with a shock. As no one in their kingdom won't call the princess name with their name. They call the girls name only when they are maids of them.

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