Will Neil and Ali beleive them???

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                 In the morning, Avni and Ria woke up from their sleep and went to freshen up one by one. When they were getting ready, Avni saw Ria was facing away partially. Avni touches Ria and she gets her body again. Avni hugs her and Ria reciprocates the hug. Both broke the hug and Ria saw her.

Ria: What happened to you?

Avni: You vanished just now.

Ria: What?

Avni: Yes. Princess yesterday you told me you got answers to your every question and you again started to love Prince Neil.

Ria: Yes. I told you. Is my time has finished living here? It's time to go to my world.

Avni: I think so. That means your task has been completed for you to be here.

Ria: It all happened because of you, Avni. If you are not there then I wouldn't have come to the conclusion which was happening around me. Thank you.

Avni: Hey, please don't say that. I am happy you got your answers. But I will miss you a lot after you left.

Ria: I too.

Avni: And I won't forget the days with you.

Ria: Avni, On that day I lost my pendant. Maybe I will return if that pendant comes to me. Because that was mine. Someone theft mine.

Avni: Ha, I will search for you. Now come we have to go somewhere.

Ria: Where?

Avni: In search of your pendant.

                   Avni and Ria come out of the room and saw Ashish was arranging the table with breakfast. He smiles at seeing her daughter and asks them to sit to eat. They sat and starts to eat.

Ashish: How was the food?

Avni: It's delicious, dad.

Ashish: I knew it.

Avni: Dad, yesterday night...

Ashish: Avni, eat your breakfast.

Avni: Dad

Ashish: I don't want to talk about that. So, please Avni.

Ria: Avni, let's go. Dad, we will be back in the afternoon.

Ashish: ok. You come to Neil's house straight.

Avni: Why?

Ashish: They called us for lunch.

Avni: Ok dad.

                     Avni and Ria come out of the house and enters the cafe. They reached the cabin and saw Ali and Neil were there. Neil gets up after seeing her.

Neil: Avni

             Before Neil could speak Avni kept her hand on his mouth to stop his talk. Neil saw her. Avni takes her hand and hugs him. At first, Neil was surprised, but then he hugged her back. They broke their hug and sees each other.

Avni: Thank you

                Neil narrows his eyebrows and Avni smiles at seeing him.

Avni: Neil, I want to speak with you.

Neil: Tell me

Avni: Not here.

            The four comes out of the cafe and drive the car on the highway road. Ali stops the car on the highway road and they come out.

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