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           After Avni left the room crying, Ali enters the room from the window through the trees. Neil saw him.

Ali: Why prince? Why did you get angry at her and shout at her?

Neil: Ali, you tell me, if someone comes to my room and saw us like this then what will be their mindset? They all will be misunderstood and will judge her as wrong. That's why I got angry with her and shout at her.

Ali: That was also your plan only na, prince. Then why you are thinking about her problem.

Neil: It was. But that was in the past. But not now. I can't humiliate her after knowing that she is a good soul and taking care of me, my mom and Meena maa and her son. She even fights with her Aunt for me. How can I humiliate her in this way? I shout at her because she won't be here like this hereafter right. That's why. Did you understand?

Ali: I understand, prince. But, She left this place by sobbing.

Neil: I will speak with her afterwards. Ok, now tell me. I asked you to sneak my room yesterday and to check her action with me when I was drinking, right. What did she do?

Ali: Prince, She cares about you a lot. She even overlooks you after you got on to an unconscious state. What happens is...(he narrates everything that happened between them) This is what happens.

                Neil glimmers hearing that. He was happy to hear that Avni trust him. But he feels guilt for shouting at her.

Neil: I shouldn't have shouted at her like that. She must be hurt.

Ali: Then talk to her, prince. She must be angry with you.

Neil: When she comes to serve the breakfast, I will speak with her.

Ali: Ok prince.

Neil: I want to say something to you.

Ali: Tell me, prince.

Neil: You are right, about I am feeling for Avni.

Ali: What prince?

Neil: I started to feel for her and I don't know what kind of feeling is this? But it was strange and I like it. She has stolen my heart.

Ali: Prince, is what I am hearing is true?

Neil: Yes.

Ali: Then what are you waiting for? Speak with the queen and...

Neil: Wait, wait. First I want to know about Avni's decision.

Ali: Speak with her and take an immediate step.

Neil: I will. But, first I want to pacify her for shouting at her.

                Soon the news of Avni was in Neil's room for the whole night spread in the palace like the fire caught in the forest. when Avni and Ria come to cook the food, the maid who is present there talks about her which was heard by them.

Maid 1: Do you know she spends her whole night with prince Neil.

Maid 2: Are you saying the truth?

Maid 3: ha. Queen Asha's Maid had seen her when she left the prince room.

Maid 2: Oh, I see.

Maid 3: Did you notice that nowadays prince didn't give that much work to her?  Maybe this will be the reason I think.

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