Avni's decision

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                Avni sees her.

Avni: Is Neil helped you?

Ria: Yes.

Avni: Where is he?

Ria: He went after dropping me off.

Avni: What happened there? Who are they? Why did they kidnap you?

Ria: how do I know? You have to find out, they spoke with me thinking that I'm Ria.

Avni: But who is the enemy of Ria?

Ria: I don't know. But Neil is the one who helped me.

Avni: Ok. You go and take a rest. Don't think about that.

               Ria moved from there and went inside her room. She thinks about the incident and Prince Neil's behaviour.

Ria(in mind): What if prince Neil knows about Juhi's character before? Because Neil knows about Juhi's character that's why he didn't extremely react to that. That means is prince Neil acted with me as he hates and doubts me to know Juhi's character.

             Princess Avni remembers her time with prince Neil. How they used to spend time with each other on the battlefield by seeing each other, his care and his love towards her. His concerned words, his emotional words everything. And about this Neil who is coming behind Avni after a lot of insults and his love for Avni never changes. When she was thinking about it, Avni knocks on the door. She comes out of her trance and opens the door.

Ria: What do you want, Avni?

Avni: Answer my question, princess.

Ria: Questions?

Avni: How does Neil relate to you in your life?

Ria: I can't understand your question.

Avni: dont try to cover up and I know everything.

Ria: Avni...

Avni: Princess, you know Neil very well, right. About his character, his genuine everything. And he has also lived in your world. And I also know for some reason you are hating him and that's why you are not ready to accept this Neil for me. Right? Answer me.

Ria: How did you come to know?

Avni: Dont forgets that I am going to be the police. Moreover, I heard you spoke with Neil in the cafe shop on the first day. Princess, you didn't share your story with me but you came here to solve your problem. And Neil, you said that he will destroy my life, but how? As per your words you didn't even meet him then how can you say he will destroy my life. And today you are just praising him. If you know to fight then why didn't you fight with that goon to save you instead of that you were saved by him? Princess, it's okay if you didn't interest in say your life story to me at least tell me what kind of relationship you had with Neil in your life and don't try to lie to me.

                 Ria sees her. She understood that hereafter she can't hide anything from Avni as she finds out the half-truth from their act. So she decided to say to her.

Ria: Ok, I will tell you. But don't relate my life with your life. Avni you know that I am Princess Avni in my life. Likewise, Neil is the Prince Neil of the Khanna kingdom.

Avni: Prince?

Ria: Yes. And I met him as a maid by his condition. 

Avni: Maid? You? What condition?

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