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Hii Guys!!!


                Juhi and her soldiers tied everyone on the rope. Neil was tied by positioning him before the pillar. Juhi sat on the king's chair and laughs loudly. And the soldiers too laughed in victory. On the other side, some soldiers were searching for Ali. And Ali was hiding from them for Avni's signal.

Aman: What if she kills them before we enter there is a hidden way.

Avni: She won't. They are professional killers. So they won't kill them by hiding. Maybe she took them into her control but she will wait for a time to kill them directly. But we have to enter there before that. Come with me.

                   And here after 7 hours slowly everyone opened their eyes. When Neil opens his eyes he saw he was tied and his whole family was tied. He saw Juhi sitting on the king's chair and saw them with evil faces. When Neil struggles to open the rope, Juhi stops him by speaking.

Juhi: Save your energy, it's because you don't have much time to live if you stress yourself. At least be cool to extend your minutes to live.

           Everyone couldn't understand her words. They all saw her clueless.

Juhi: I will tell you, don't get confused. Only you ate a slow poison with your food. Since I have added a senseless powder you all get unconscious and you to prince. Other than that you will die within an hour.

Neil: What?

Juhi: Yes. Since I am going to rule this country, I am going to kill you all with my own hands. But you Neil you annoyed and disrespect me a lot for that crazy Avni. That's why I have done this to you. I will kill you slowly and slowly at last after you see your families die in front of your eyes.

Neil: Dont ever thinks that you can kill my family? You can't touch them.

Juhi: Really? Do you think so?

Asha: Ria, why you have tied us? Remove my, Vidyuth and Monica's rope now.

Juhi: Why should I want to remove Monica's rope? She supports Avni.

Asha: Oh God. But she is my daughter. Remove the rope.

Juhi: Do you think I will obey your order, Queen?

Asha: Of course, you should obey me. I am the one who brought you here to get married to Neil to kill him and to make my son a king.

Vidyuth: Mom, you said everything.

                 In the heat of the moment, Asha said everything and she saw Neil, Surendra and everyone was seeing her with anger.

Asha: King, I...

Surendra: Shut up. For making Vidyuth king, why did you think to kill Neil? Don't forget he is my son.

              Neil emotionally saw the king. He never heard such words from his dad's mouth.

Surendra: Iam such a stupid to believe you and arranged this marriage without thinking about my son's wish or what he needs. I shouldn't have believed you.

Asha: king, I have done all this for my son. And even you accept when your thought the nation will become extended. Then why you are accusing me? Juhi, what we have done? I am a queen. Open the rope, just now.

              Juhi gets annoyed with her words and threw the sword at her neck and she died. Monica starts to cry after seeing her mom die in front of her eyes. Vidyuth shouts at her and starts to yell. Juhi takes the sword from Asha's neck and used the same sword to kill him and he died on the spot. Everyone was horrified.

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