Khanna's Visit

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                   Because of Avni's ruling method and power, the Mehta kingdom starts to develop and she empowers the nearby kingdom. Her fame reaches every kingdom. At the same time, in the Khanna's kingdom, Asha convinced King Surendra and announced Neil and Juhi's marriage without acceptance of Neil. Neil was blank and doesn't know what to do now. He was not himself since Avni left him. Avni gets to know about Neil and Juhi's marriage. On one fine day, King Deva and King Surendra met in the temple coincidentally which was common in both the kingdom.

Surendra: It's good to meet you after a long time. How are you?

Deva: Iam good. After Avni gets in the responsibility, I was free from this work.

Surendra: she was ruling a kingdom so powerful. Her dominating power to rule the kingdom is great. I am impressed by her work. I never know, the silent Avni I have seen has hidden this talented Avni. She not only showed her talent but also made the girls show their talent. If she goes like this then she will capture my kingdom too. She has that much talent. Thanks to God, she didn't marry. Otherwise, her talent would be hidden. I should admire you too for giving her the chance because you gave her when you have a son.

Deva: Thanks for appreciating Avni.
And about Aman, he says that he wants to be the warrior of Avni and his sister will rule this kingdom. By the way, I heard about Neil and Juhi's marriage.

Surendra: Yes. It was fixed for next month.

Deva: Great. Can you all come to my kingdom as a guest for a week? I am grateful for you and your help. And I want to show my tenderness to you. If you and your family accepts to come then I will arrange everything. It's my long-time wish. Please don't say no.

Surendra: Who will neglect you? I promise I and my family will come. We will be with you the next week.

Deva: Thank you.

Surendra: It will be some relaxing time for me too. Recently I was so disturbed and collapsed by something. I want some peace.

Deva: I don't know what is disturbing you. But I wish you will get peace as well as an answer by being with us.

Surendra: Ok. Now we will move.

Deva: ok.

          King Surendra and Deva enter their respective kingdom.

Surendra: King Deva, requests every one of us to come to his kingdom. And I promised him. We are all going there and be there for a week. Everyone gets to pack their dress for a week.

Deva: I promised them I will give them good hospitality. King Deva is coming next week. Make sure everything is good, Avni. Please for my sake. They have done so much for us, you know that.

Avni: Dad, I know. Don't worry I will do everything perfectly for a king.

Deva: Not only them, but their whole family is also visiting for a week. So arrange for them too.

Avni: What?

            On the other side, everyone in the khanna family gives a different kinds of emotions hearing it.

Meena: Are you saying the truth, King?

Asha: Why does he want to lie in this? Can't you close your mouth for a while? Why you...

DD: Same goes to you, Queen. Don't say anything about my mom.

Asha: You, how dare you speak with me like this?

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