Princess Avni's behaviour and Avni's suspicion

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Hii Guys!!!

Here I will use princess Avni as Ria🤗🤗🤗


              Princess Avni tries to call Avni but she left the place. She sees the room and stares strangely. She sees her dress and thinks about what is happening around her.

Avni(in mind): What is happening around me? I am seeing a girl the same as me. And iam in Ria's body. This place looks so odd and the way they were speaking and this dress. Wait, Avni think well. I was speaking with Prince and pushed him when the arrow aims him. It hits me and I fall and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was here in Ria's body. I am confused. First of all which kingdom is this? And she who is looking like me does not even believe me.

                 Her thoughts were broken by Avni's voice.

Avni: Come, let's go.

              Both come out of the room and leave the hospital. When they come out, Avni searches for someone. Ria(princess Avni) saw her.

Ria: Whom you are searching for?

Avni: I have booked the cab. And I am waiting for it. It will come soon and we will reach home, ok.

Ria(in mind): Why this place looks so weird? In large buildings, there is something where people sits inside and move here and there fastly. And she is saying something which I can't even understand. What is a cab? Can't she ask caravan to come? I think I have to be like Ria to find out what is happening around me? Yes, that's the only way. We should not react to anything until we believe by seeing the surrounding.

            Avni sees here and there. Suddenly someone calls her from aside.

Boy: Hii Avni.
               Both saw him. Princess Avni gets shocked by seeing him.

Ria: Prince Neil.

Avni: Ria, he is not a prince.

          The boy's face was shown and he is none other than Neil. Neil smiles by seeing her.

Neil: Ya, I am only the prince for your best friend Avni.

Avni: Stop it.

Ria(in mind): why he was in a different costume? If he is not a prince then who he is. Avni, don't react. If you can see a person like you then it is also possible to be a person like a prince. 

Neil: What are you doing here?

Avni: It's none of your business, Neil. Go and do your work.

Ria(in mind): she is calling him with a name and that too she is speaking rudely with him.
Neil: Wow, it's nice to hear my name from your mouth. Neil, how cute. And one more thing, I am doing my work, only. Following you.

            Avni rolls her eyes and saw her cab has come. She calls Ria and both move towards it. When Avni was about to open the door, Ali comes there and gave the money to the driver and sent him.

Avni: Hey, don't go. What do you guys want now?

Neil: Your love.

Avni: What?

Neil: I mean, nothing. I will drop you at your home.

Avni: I don't want your lift.

Neil: But, I want to drop you. Come let's go. Anyways your cab has gone.

Ali: Yes Avni. Moreover, my Ria will be in so much pain. Come let's go home fast. She needs some rest.

            Avni sees Ria. Ali went and comes into the car. Neil opens the door. Avni and Ria enter inside and close the door. Neil too gets in the front seat and the car started. When the car starts to move, Ria holds Avni's hand tightly and closed her eyes in fear. Avni sees her and finds her weird. Avni held her in hand in assurance and made her calm.

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