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             Neil and Avni went near the backside of the kingdom and stand near the wall. Neil pushed one of the bricks of the wall. Then the door was opened. Neil gestures her to come with him. First Avni hesitated, but she moved with him. Outside there was the horse, Neil sat on it and gestured to her to come by showing his hand. Avni raised her eyebrow.

Neil: What? Come.

Avni: Are you serious? How can I sit near you, princess?

Neil: There is no other way as here only one horse was there.

Avni: But why do we have to move out? What if someone gets to know about this? Then that also will cause another problem.

Neil: Nothing will happen like what you are thinking. Ali will take care of it. Now stop talking and come.

                 Avni sighs and tries to sit without his help. Neil saw that and smiles.

Neil: Give your hands.

                He gives his hand. Avni thinks for a while. She gives her hand to him. They feel a shiver when they held each other hand. He made her sit on the horse. They both see each other eyes. Avni turns front. Neil rides the horse and they come to the market. They both started to walk inside the market with the horse. Neil gets some fruit and they come out of the market. They settle near the rock side area.

Avni: Princess, I am sorry for accusing you without knowing the truth. I hurt you with my words and didn't believe you. I was just confused...

Neil: I can understand. Even I tortured, hurt you without knowing about you. So everything becomes equal. But, it was common that whoever in your place will think of me like that. But my mistake is not like that. I shouldn't have thought about you wrong before seeing you. And Mom told me about the relationship you had with us.

Avni: I too didn't know before seeing Nandhini Maa.

              Neil saw her when she declares his mom as Maa.

Avni: I. I mean Queen.

Neil: It's ok. You will call her Maa when I am not with you, am I right?

Avni: Ha. Queen asked me.

Neil: Didnt you know that khanna kingdom's first wife is your aunt?

Avni: No.

Neil: It's all because of that Asha.

Avni: Why you are getting angry towards her, prince? Listen...

Neil: My dad married my mom for making his kingdom large. But my mom loves him. After my birth, my mom gets conceived again. But that child was aborted because of my mom's health. The physician said that she can't get pregnant again. To make his generation large, he married Meena maa. First, my mom wasn't happy in his marriage but it was Meena maa she felt okay. When DD was in her womb, he married another lady, Asha because of her beauty. Both my mom shattered because of his marriage. My Mom can't question him, but Meena maa does. But he just replies that I married her because she looks beautiful. And hereafter she is the queen of this kingdom. He gave shelter to both of my mom because they gave birth to his child. I started to hate her. That is not because she married my dad. Even Meena maa married him but I didn't show any anger towards her. Because she respects my mom. My mom is everything to me. She that Asha not only didn't give respect but also she hurts my mom a lot. With or without my knowledge she hurts more. She arrested my mom for a month in her room by king's order for not doing anything. She lived a hell life in that one month. As a son, I couldn't able to do anything. That's why I hate her to the core. She even tried to kill me and DD. But we were escaped. With a lot of arguments with the king, I become the chief of khanna soldiers. Asha didn't restrict because she thought to keep me on that level and make his son King. More than her I was angry with the king, my dad. What if my mom has a miscarriage? She gave birth to me. Can't I enough for his generation? When she asked soldiers for her brother's kingdom I can't accept that. My hatred towards her took such a decision in that you become my maid. And from mom, I get to know she never allowed her to visit your kingdom to see you. If I get to know this before...

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