Loss of words

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Hii guys!!!


Neil was determined to speak with Avni. But at the same time, he thinks about his mom's decision. Avni was confused about whether to speak with Neil or not as princess Juhi has come here to marry Neil. If Neil accepts Juhi to marry then she can't adopt that. She doesn't know whether to follow Ria's instructions or her inner thought. She went to the kitchen to cook for him. She took the food and placed it on the table. And serves the food to him. When he was about to speak with her, Avni starts to speak.

Avni: Prince, I want to talk with you. After finishing your lunch, can you have time?

Neil: Yes, I too want to speak with you. But, before that...

Before he could say his conversation was interrupted Juhi. She came there and sat opposite him.

Juhi: I asked king, he said that you are having your lunch in your room, that's why I came here to have lunch with you.

Neil: Who permitted you to enter my room?

Juhi: Who wants to give? Prince, iam going to marry you. So, it's common for me to come here. And iam going to live my future here. So, what is the problem for I am coming here and having lunch with you? Avni, serve me.

Avni sees her. She was about to touch the utensil to serve her, but before that Neil stops her.

Neil: Princess Juhi, if you want, you can ask your maids to serve you. She won't serve you.

Juhi: Prince, they aren't here. Moreover, she is a maid then...( she stops in mid as Neil glares her) Ok, I will serve on my own.

She serves for her. Unknowingly she spills water on the floor. At the same time, Neil went to wash his hand.

Juhi: Avni, clean this.

Avni saw her.

Juhi: See you can also serve me as iam going to be Prince Neil's wife. So, I have the right to his everything. So, you have to obey my order too. Clean it.

Avni nods her head and took the waste cloth and bends down to clean the floor. When she was cleaning, someone held her hand to stop her act. She and Juhi turn to see who was. It was Neil. She stands up by his pull.

Neil: What is the problem with you? I told you she won't work for you. Then why?

Juhi: Prince, she is just a maid. Then why you are...

Neil: She isn't a maid Princess Juhi. And I hear what you spoke. Listen to me carefully, I still didn't tell my decision about this marriage. So, don't try to take advantage of me. Now eat and ask your servants to clean this. When I come I want everything to be clean.

By saying this, he held Avni's hand and moved out of the room. Juhi gets angry by seeing his actions towards her.

Juhi(in mind): How dare he? I am Juhi, he can't raise his voice against me that too for her. I won't leave her. Neil, you did the wrong thing by insulting me before her. I will give the punishment to her.

She calls her maid to clean it. Neil and Avni went to the garden area. Neil leaves her hand and saw her with anger.

Neil: Why did you do everything she says? And first of all, who asked you to cook? You are here only for the function and you are not my maid anymore, so don't do any maid works here and you can eat the food with us, understand. And mainly you should not work for princess Juhi.

Avni: Why you are shouting prince, I did with my wish to cook for you. Ok, I won't do any work happy. Stop being angry with me.

Neil: Soon, I will inform everyone that you are freed from my condition and you are here for the kingdom function. So, from tomorrow you live as a princess here.

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