Avni vs Neil

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                  It's been a week since Neil stops seeing Avni and phone calls to her after she spoke to him. Avni was just thinking Neil in this one week. She feels some connection towards him but she couldn't able to recognise that. Ria's hand recovered and she starts to work in the cafe with the help of Avni. One day, she gets a call from her dad.

Avni: Hello Dad, how are you?

Ashish: Iam fine and I have 2 good news for you.

Avni: Wow, then tell me.

Ashish: I am coming to Mumbai after a week.

Avni: Really?

Ashish: Yes.

Avni: Dad, I am so happy. Then what is the second good news?

Ashish: surprise. I will tell you in person.

Avni: It's not fair, dad. Anyways, Iam waiting for your arrival.

        Avni ends the call and shares the news with Ria.

Avni: Iam going to see my dad after 4 months.

Ria: Iam happy. Avni, you told that you want to become a police officer, right. What is that?

Avni: It's my dream and mom's dream too that I want to become a police officer.

Ria: Why you are not in your house?

Avni: After mom left us, dad married Roshini maa to take care of me. At first, she is so kind and caring towards me. But after Mitali was born and dad went abroad, she started to show her true colours. She tortures me and beat me and orders me to do every work. After I finished my schooling, I went to a hostel for my degree and to stay away from her. I started to raise my voice against her and shout at her back and transferred my things here, Ria's house. And I warn her that if she did something to me then it won't take much time to say what was happening here to my dad.  Whenever Dad calls me and says that I will come to see you, then I will go to that house to see him. And I will stay there until he was there. After he left, I will go out of that house. She too will behave nicely to me.

Ria: Dont you get feared by seeing her when warning? Won't she do anything to you? You can ask your dad to do some favour, right.

Avni: What will she do? See here, princess getting rights for us is not that much crime. Moreover, when the problem is with her then why should I wants to get a favour from my dad. It works at some time and not for our whole lifetime. So, if the problem is with the two then they should think about what to do and we should not involve a third person.

Ria: But, what if she does, that by you are here leaving get house?

Avni: If you keep on thinking about whether she will do something to us by our decision then we can't live our life. It's my life and my rules. I will live according to my rule and I don't want to think about any of them. You sleep and I am going to my bed. Good night.

Ria: Good night.

                 Avni left the room. Ria thinks about her words.

Ria: She is right. Why didn't I think this before? If I have a problem with Rohini I should confront them before her. Why did I ask the dad to do a favour for me? Being with Avni, I started to learn new phases of life. With the help of that box, I started to clear my doubts and I hope soon I will find the way. In return, I am sure I will do something for Avni to make her life happy.

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