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                  In the meeting room, Avni comes and speaks with them. Neil sees her and Avni too sees him from time to time. But she controls herself and turns her head totally to not see him.

Avni: King Surendra, we have a carnival the day after tomorrow in our kingdom. We have arranged some events to welcome you and your family. If you all come there then it will be a great thing for us.

Surendra: Sure, we will come.

Deva: Fine. Then we can all move to our room to take a rest. Tomorrow we can all meet.

                  Everyone nods and starts to move towards their room. When Avni was walking toward her room, someone pulled her hand inside the room. She saw the person and leaves her hand from his hold in anger. When she was about to leave, he stops her by standing before her.

Avni: Leave my way, prince Neil.

Neil: I won't.

                   Avni takes the step aside to go but Neil holds her hand and caged her between the wall and him. Avni sees him and he sees her.

Avni: Prince Neil, it's a bad way of approaching a queen. I am not the same Avni who was with you. Leave my way. You...

Neil: Beautiful.      

                   Avni stops to speak after hearing his word.

Avni: Dont speaks rubbish.

Neil: When you said about your condition and your anger to me I thought you are such an attitude girl. But after seeing your face today now I am thinking that it's not a crime to have this attitude.

Avni: Leave my way.

Neil: What is this, Avni? If you keep on asking me to leave the way, then how can we be together in future to make a family?

Avni: What?

Neil: Our family, Avni. You, Me and...

Avni: Stop it. That won't happen even in your dreams.

Neil: Really?

                 He closes the distance between them. There was only a two-step distance between them. Neil's breath was brushing Avni's face. Avni sees him. He blows the air on her cheeks. She feels ticklish and clutches her dress and closed her eyes. He smiles and nears her. He moves towards his ear and speaks.

Neil: You still have effects on me, Avni. You can lie to me. But your emotions and eyes can't lie to me.
                  Avni opens her eyes and turns to see him. Neil turns aside and sees her face. Both see each other and was locked in their moment.

Neil: I never thought I will get a chance to see your face before marriage and that too in this stance.

              Avni comes out of her trance and pushed Neil. When she was about to open the door, Neil holds her hand and pulled her towards him. She strikes Neil and another hand was land on Neil's shoulder. She sees him. Before Avni tries to leave his grip, Neil kissed her cheeks without giving her time and leaves her. Avni widens her eyes. He smiles.

Neil: I Love you.

Avni: Ha

Neil: I Love you.

                Avni stood there in shock. He turns her and leads her to go out.

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