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Hii Guys!!!


                        It was the day where the prince and the princess of the Mexican empire reached the khanna Mansion.

Surendra: It's our pleasure, to welcome you both to our kingdom prince and princess of the Mexican empire.

Prince: well, it's our luck to visit your kingdom to see the battlefield.

Surendra: Ya. Today you enjoy your dinner with us. Tomorrow, we will show you our battlefield.

Prince: Ok.

              They had their dinner with the king and his family members except for Neil as he was on the battlefield arranging everything. There Avni and Ria come to serve him food.

Avni: Prince, prince.

                   Neil turns and saw Avni was standing there with Ria.

Neil: What you both are doing here?

Ria: We arrived with the food for you, prince.

Neil: Can't you see it's dark. Why you both are taking a risk in this dark to reach here?

Avni: Prince, it's your time for food. That's why...

Neil: So, you will come in the dark. What if something happens? Won't you take care of yourself?

                     Avni was surprised to hear this word from Neil. Even Ria was stunned hearing this. This is not the first time to get scolded by him. But, this is the first time he scolds in care. Avni smiles in mind and she was happy to know that the prince has some care at his side of the heart.

Avni: I will take care of myself, prince. But, at the same time, I must give food to you. And this is not my first time to come here like this prince. I have already come here more than several times prince.

                  When she said that she will take care of herself, then only Neil realised that what he said to her. He came back to his stern look.

Neil: keep that food there. I will have it afterwards.

Avni: No prince. It's my daily routine to say whether you had eaten or not to Maa...I mean queen.

                     Neil smiles inwardly when she declares his mom as maa. But he didnt shows that outside.

Neil: Ok, you make the arrangements. I will be there within 10minutes.

                 Avni went to arrange the food. Neil went to freshen up. While having dinner, Neil glance at her without her knowledge. After having dinner, when Avni and Ria were about to go, he stops her.

Neil: Hereafter you both don't come here without my permission.

Ria: How will we know that, prince? Whether you are calling us or not? And about information, it may take 1 hour to reach us. But, before that, we could have started our travel to give you lunch. Then how...

Neil: Stop it. Why you are speaking so much? Can't you speak in fewer words?

                      Avni smiles hearing that. Neil can see that she is smiling. But he couldn't see her smiling face as she closed her face with the veil. He smiles by seeing her.

Neil: I will think about that and will say later. Now, you don't want to go alone. Wait for a while, we will go unitedly.

Avni: Ok prince.

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