Returning to kingdom

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Hii Guys!!!

It's been 2 days since Avni opened her eyes and got cured of the wound. She didnt allow anyone to see her except the medic and Ria to take care of her. Neil couldn't able to bear her punishment like this which was killing him to know what she was thinking in her mind. He gets to know about her health through the medic. And on another side, the marriage preparation was going well. Because of Avni's silence, Neil doesn't know what to do now to solve all these problems and cancel this marriage. He wants to say that it was all drama and he acts like this to find the real culprit. But she was not giving him a chance to explain or even to see her. When they were all in the dining hall and were about to sit to eat. Their attention was caught by sunheri.

Sunheri: King deva, princess Avni invites you to have lunch with her.

Deva: Is she said really?

Sunheri: Ha, King. And she asked only you to join her for lunch.

Deva: Ok, ok. Inform her I will come.

Sunheri: Ok king.

Deva: King, I will go there to see her. It's been 2 days since I haven't seen my daughter.

Surendra: Sure. And don't forget to ask her about her condition and inform us. We two want to know about her health condition.

Deva: Sure king.

Deva leaves the place with Sunheri. They enter Avni's room where everything was prepared already. Deva sat opposite her. They both start to eat.

Deva: How is your health now, princess?

Avni: Iam fine, Dad. Just a body pain. It will be better soon.

Deva: Good. And here your marriage preparation was going well. And I am waiting to see your marriage with Vidyuth.

Avni sees him. She thinks about the conversation with the modern world Avni.

Avni: Princess Avni, we can't marry a person when someone is already in our hearts. If we hide that and marry another person for our family then that marriage will be in failure. And I can't think of another person in the place of Neil. That's why I told my parents about my decision.

Avni(in mind): Dont think too much, you can do it.

Avni: Dad, I want to ask something to you.

Deva: Tell me.

Avni: When I was in our kingdom if the alliance comes you will ask about my decision. If I said no then you will cancel it, why?

Deva: Because I want my daughter to live a happy and loving life with her husband. That's why.

Avni: Then why didn't you ask me whether I am okay with marrying a prince Vidyuth?

Deva: It's because your aunt Asha in the letter informed me that you are ready to marry her son. That's why I also agree with this marriage. Why you are asking this suddenly? Aren't you happy with this marriage?

Avni: Dad, I am not happy with this marriage. No one asked me about the decision for this marriage. I don't want to marry him.

Deva: Avni, what are you saying?

Avni: Dad, you know that I rejected every proposal because I want to find the right one for me. And I know Prince Vidyuth for a long. If I want to marry him then I would have said my decision at the first stage itself, I wouldn't have waited until this much time to say yes to marry him.

Deva: Then why does your aunt say those?

Avni: I don't know. But dad he is bad. I don't want to marry him. He... He tried to harass me. If Prince Neil doesn't come at the right time then I don't know what would have happened to me.

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