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                  Avni sees her father. She wants to know the reason why her father takes this decision.

Avni: Dad, are you thinking that in your absence Mitali and her mom will do something to me?

Ashish: Not like that Avni.

Avni: Then why?

Swetha: It's because I want my daughter to come to my house asap. That's why.

                 Avni and Ria are both dumbfounded by hearing Swetha's words. Avni's eyes filled with tears and Ria's eyes too. She remembers Queen Swetha who has always been with her as a supportive person and even she asks her to call her a mom as she was thinking of her as her daughter. Ria wiped her tears before they could come out of her eyes. Neil noticed that. Avni nods her head as agrees to the marriage. Neil smiles.

Swetha: Nice. So let's start the marriage preparation. And Avni you concentrate on your exams, we will handle the things. Right, Neil?

Neil: Yes, mom. You are always right.

Prakash: Ok then Neil shows your room to Avni. After marriage, she has to be with you. So let her see your room.

Neil: Ha, come Avni let's go.

                Avni glares at him. Neil gave what looks and show his innocent face.

Neil: They won't think anything, Avni. Come.

             He held Avni's hand and walks toward his room. They enter inside and stood in the centre of the room. Avni and Neil see each other. 

Avni: Neil

Neil: Ha

Avni: Nothing

               Neil smiles and sees her. Both were locked in the moment of seeing each other. For the next 5 days, Avni concentrate on her studies as well as travelled with Ria for searching for the pendant in her free time. Ria joins Neil and Ali in shopping for marriage. Avni writes her exam well. She said to her family that she will be passing the exam and everyone was happy to hear it. In the nighttime, Avni and Ria sat in the garden area and speaks for some time.

Avni: No one will believe that I have spent a month with my previous birth person, right.

Ria: Yes even you wouldn't have accepted it if I didn't show you the proof.

Avni: Thats right. Princess tomorrow we will go to the place where we can spend some time.

Ria: Ok. Avni shall I ask you one thing?

Avni: Ask me.

Ria: Why did you choose to become the police? I mean there are a lot of professions here, right. Then why police?

Avni: Even I asked that question to myself many times. I dont know why I choose that. But for my safety and to protect myself from them I thought this is the only way. And I like to become the police.

Ria: Ok. But now the situation has changed, right. You are with Neil. Then what is the problem for you to be in the home? Why you are writing the exam? Neil will protect you, right.

Avni: of course, Neil will protect me. But not every time. Princess, Neil is also a human being. He can protect me only when he was with me other than that is what I will do. And becoming police is what I wished to do. And I want a person who will be on my side and not dominate me. In this generation, a girl should work otherwise she won't get much respect as you guys got on your period.

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