knowing about her/him

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                     It's been a day since the Mexican empire prince and princess left the palace. Neil was thinking about how Asha plans against Avni. He thought to safeguard her. When he was thinking about this Ali comes to his room. Neil saw him.

Neil: Did you get any information about Avni?

Ali: Prince, as you said I had sent two of our soldiers to the Mehta empire in a disguise. They couldn't find her whole history. But speaking with the people who work in the palace, they have said that princess Avni is the gift that God has given to them. She is a pure and innocent soul who thinks only about her people's welfare and her family. They didn't tell the full details but they said that she lives a powerful and hell life when she was in that kingdom.

Neil: Powerful as well as hell? What do they mean?

Ali: She lives a hell life in that kingdom. But sometimes, she will have the chance to rule the state. At that time she lives a powerful life.

Neil: Did you get any other information?

Ali: They didn't say anything in detail, prince. Now we got only these much.

Neil: Ok. And Asha won't be quit after losing with me. She will do more than this to down me. Especially Avni. She can do anything to her as Avni supports me. So, safeguard her too.

                    Ali smiles hearing that. He nods his head.

Neil: Why are you smiling?

Ali: Dont take me, the wrong prince. But it's the truth. Your attitude towards the princess has changed.

Neil:No, not like that. I just said that because she is my maid.

Ali: No prince. You are saying this to justify your actions. But, you have changed. You always think to torture her.  But nowadays, you are thinking about her health, her mentality and thinking whether she will be okay if she does this work. You have to accept it. If it is so, then you would have splashed on me for calling her a princess. But you are normal. Then what will you say to this?

Neil: ab... that... Don't talk nonsense. Go and do your work.

Ali: Ok prince.

                     Ali left the place. Neil thinks about it. Ali was right now a day he was thinking about her health. He even said her to adjust with the prince for 10 min to fight then he will take care of it. If he thinks so he can order her to fight with him. But not. Why? Why? This was the only question roaming in his mind. He thought to see her now. He came out of his room and searched her. When he was roaming in the path he stops in the mid by hearing the girls laughing sounds. He turns aside and saw Avni was with her friends i.e., Ria, Tara and Sunheri. He was eager to see her face but he can't. He hides behind the tree at some distance from them so that he can hear what they were speaking and also to not disturb their speech by seeing him. He starts to hear their conversation.

Sunheri: Princess, it's so funny. Then what would you have done after being caught by your father?

Avni: I told him that dad I didn't drink these drinks. I and Ria just experiments that whether this drink will addict the person just by one sip.

Ria: You know then the king became furious and asked us to run the ground 20 times.

                 Again the girls laugh. Neil silently laughs by hearing that.

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