Tormenting her.

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                     Avni was shocked hearing Neil's confession.

Avni: Prince, how can you think like that?

Neil: Why can't I?

Avni: How can you think that I will spike something on this?

Neil: Didnt you?

Avni: No.

Neil: Then prove me. Take one more glass and fill it with the drink and drink it before my eyes.

Avni: Why should I? Believe me, I didn't...

Neil: You are not that much worth gaining my trust. And that won't happen even if you take seven births, Avni.

            Avni was just seeing him. She couldn't able to accept what he says. At some corner, she felt the pain of hearing that he didnt trust her. As there is no choice, she took the glass of drink and sip that in one go. Neil was seeing her.

Avni: Now, can you believe that I didnt spike?

Neil: Well, I accept that you didnt spike. But, you crossed the rules which I had for you.

Avni: I couldn't able to understand, prince.

Neil: I told you to not eat the food or drinks before me and you have to eat only the thing given to the maids in the kingdom, right. Then how can you cross that, Avni?

Avni: Prince, but you...

Neil: Dont tries to justify your acts. The mistake is a mistake. And you have to do the punishment for this. Today, you should not eat any meals provided and you have to clean my room alone without anyone's help even you should not allow your maid Ria in this. Now, go and prepare breakfast for me.

         Without giving a chance for Avni to speak, he left the place. Avni understands that he deliberately asked her to drink tea with his idea. She cursed him in her mind and went to the kitchen for cooking. She saw Ria with two persons. Avni smiles by seeing her and moved towards her.

Ria: Princess, did you give tea to the prince?

Avni: Yes. Who are they?

Ria: Princess, she is Tara and she is Sunheri. Workers of khanna kingdom. And they both said that they are ready to help us for preparing a dish for the prince.

Avni: Really, Ria?

Ria: Yes, princess. They will guide us on what to cook for a prince?

Avni: That's great. So, shall we start?

Trio: Yes.

                Ria, Tara and Sunheri helped Avni in cutting vegetables and preparing mixtures. Avni cooked the food and placed it on the plate.

Ria: Ok, princess you go and give this food to him and come. We both will go to the maid's area and eat breakfast.

            Then only Avni remembers what, Neil told. Now, she doesn't know what to say to her.

Avni: ab... Ria, you go and eat first. I will eat afterwards.

Ria: Princess, are you hiding something from me?


Ria: Then, something is there. Tell me, what happened when you gave drinks to him?

               Avni narrates everything. Ria was furious by hearing that.

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