Princess Avni's Realisation

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Hii Guys!!!


              Neil warns Juhi and came out of his cabin. He sees Avni going out of his sight. He runs and holds her hand. Avni saw her hand and him. Avni asks him what through his eyes. Neil smiles and drags her to the lift. And presses the -2 button to reach the car parking area.

Avni: Neil

Neil: Shhh, don't talk anything.

             Neil says this by keeping their hands on her mouth. Avni saw him. She became silent and takes his hand from her mouth and she stands straight. Neil smiles. When they reach the parking area they get into the car. Neil saw Avni and she saw him.

Neil: Avni, today that incident...

Avni: Calm down, Neil. I have already told you that you don't want to explain what has happened there. Because I know you were not at fault.

Neil: I know. And I want to know how much you believe me?

Avni: Mm... Believe about you? Let me think about it.

Neil: Avni

Avni: Ok.

Neil: Be serious

Avni: Neil, I said I love you to you that doesn't mean I just love you, I love you, your character, your love for me, your attitude, your trust and belief and I love everything in you. And mostly I trust you more than myself. So, if some random person or some girl like who was in your cabin today says something then I am not stupid to believe her over you. Ok?

Neil: I love you.

Avni: Ha?

Neil: I said I love you

             Avni smiles and sees the outside view.

Neil: Won't you repeat it?

Avni: Iam not a kid to repeat the words.

Neil: So, you won't say it.

Avni: No

Neil: Oh, then don't mind me doing this.

Avni: What?

               Neil started to tickle her and Avni started to laugh. She tried to stop him but Neil didn't leave her so easily. At some point, both hold each other's hand and sees each other. Neil saw her and her lips. Avni sees him. Neil leaves her hand and caresses Avni's cheek. Avni closed her eyes in his touch and opened her eyes to see him. He nears her and Avni's heartbeat started to beat faster. When Neil started to reduce the distance, Avni closed her eyes. Neil near her lips and saw her. He smiles and kissed her on the forehead. Avni opened her eyes and saw him.

Neil: I love you.

                 He sat in his place and starts the car. Avni slaps her forehead and turns her face. While driving Neil realised that Avni said that she wants to say something important to him in the cabin.

Neil: Avni, you came to speak about something important, right. What is that?

             Avni thinks about princess Avni and she thought to say to him.

Avni: Neil, I don't know whether you will believe this or not. But it's the truth.

Neil: What you are saying about?

Avni: Actually, Ria...

                Her talk was disturbed by Neil's call. Neil attends the call.

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