Is she leaving???

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Hii Guys!!!


Nandhini was called by King Surendra and she went to his room.

Nandhini: King, why did you call me?

Surendra: I found a girl for Neil to get married to. That princess is coming here within 2 days.

Nandhini: Girl for Neil's marriage?

Surendra: Yes. And you have to say him that you choose her and not me. Because he won't marry her if I say that I choose her for him.

Nandhini: But, what if he dislikes her?

Surendra: I want this marriage to happen at any cost. She is from a wealthy family. If he comes to know that you choose the girl then he won't refuse. So, tell him that you choose her, ok.

Nandhini: king...

Surendra: See, Avni was also suffering here with him. If he gets married, then she will go to her kingdom. Think Nandhini.

Nandhini: Ok king.

Nandhini left the room. Avni was thinking about whether to leave the kingdom or not and was thinking about why she isn't happy for leaving. After thinking about their moments with him she starts to smile and shouts in joy. She cried in happiness. In the morning, Avni brings the beverage to Neil where he was in his room with Ali. She gave him the drink.

Neil: Why you are doing this?

Avni: Am I one who supposed to do, right? Then why are you asking like this me?

Neil: I mean I have told you yesterday about...

Avni: What yesterday? I can't understand prince.

Neil: about leaving, Avni.

Avni(in mind): Can't he leave that topic? Why he is behind that? What he will get by sending me?

Avni: I know, prince. you drink it. I am going to the kitchen for preparing breakfast.

Avni left the room before Neil could speak something. Neil couldn't understand Avni's behaviour. He thought that she declares him to say what he said to her wants to say before everyone. But, poor prince Neil didn't understand that Avni starts to like him as he likes her. In the kingdom, King Surendra calls everyone to assemble in the mansion. After everyone assembled, King Surendra asked Nandhini to speak. Neil thought that after his mom speaks, he will inform everyone about Avni's leaving. But at the same time, his heart says to don't announce this. After a lot of hesitation, Nandhini speaks.

Nandhini: I got good news for everyone present here. We got a proposal for Neil and I like that princess very much. She is coming tomorrow for seeing our kingdom function. Neil and princess speak and understand each other on these function days and we will get them married after the function finishes.

DD: Wow, Maa, may I know who is that lucky princess is coming here?

Nandhini: Her name is Juhi Mehra from the Mehra Kingdom.

Neil was shocked to hear all this. He saw Avni go from there and Ria followed her. After the assembly, Neil went to Nandhini's room.

Neil: Mom, when did you see a girl for me? And she is coming tomorrow. What's all this mom?

Nandhini: Neil, iam your mom. Don't I have the right to choose a girl for you?

Neil: you have mom, only you. But what is the need now? I don't want to get married, now.

Nandhini: Neil, iam not asking you to marry her, only. She is coming tomorrow. Speak with her, tell me your decision after that. But I like her. You go to your room. Don't stress it. Your decision is my happiness. Go.

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