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Hii Guys!!!


                  Avni doesn't know what to answer Sunheri.

Avni: Sunheri, they are the person sent by my sister.

Sunheri: Why?

Avni: Actually, my father was not ready to marry me to him. But we both loved each other. So we came out of the house and gets married. But she gets to know we are getting married. So when we try to get escape the people attacked us. To save me he got wounds. And we came here to save our lives.

Sunheri: How cruel she is? Why she was like this? Let's leave that. I have cooked the food. Come let's eat.

Avni: Thank you. Sunheri, which kingdom is this?

Sunheri: Mehra Kingdom.

Avni: Mehra?

                Avni and Sunheri eat the food. Sunheri says a lot about her and her family while eating. Avni hears her and laughs and speaks with her saying her childhood days. In the nighttime, Sunheri arranged a room for Avni and Neil and asked them to sleep in that room.

Avni: He will sleep in this room. And I will sleep with you.

Sunheri: What? Adithi, you should be with your husband. Moreover, you are a newly wedded couple. You should be alone. I should not teach you this kind. Go inside with him. I will go to my room.

Avni: But...

Sunheri: Zain sir, take her inside.

Neil: Ha, I will take care of her. You leave. You need to take a rest.

                Sunheri nods and went to her room. Neil holds Avni's hand and moved inside the room. Neil closed the room door and saw Avni. Avni sees him.

Neil: Did you ever think that we will start our life in this place?

Avni: What? Neil, you should not get this kind of crazy thing in your mind. Nothing will happen today. And we are not married couples.

Neil: We are, in point of them. If we are not, why did you lie to them?

Avni: Thats for your safety. You have been injured and you need rest for atleast a week. So this place would be safe for us. But we should not say our identity to her, it may be dangerous for us. That's why I lie to her. Moreover, it's Mehra kingdom. It's Juhi's empire.

Neil: When will we leave then?

Avni: As for now, Aman would have known that for some danger we didn't enter the tent still now. So he must start his journey tomorrow to search for us. Until he comes to us, we should not expose ourselves. Because it will be a danger for us.

Neil: Aren't you worried that your Aunty and Vidyuth have died?

Avni: I am. You know Neil until I get to know about them she was the one who gave me the freedom for me. She loves me and gave me care whenever she visits our kingdom. Even though she is bad she is my aunty. But at the same time, I am okay since she is bad.

Neil: Okay, let's sleep.

Avni: go and sleep in a bed. I will sleep on the floor.

Neil: No, I will sleep on the floor. You sleep on the bed.

Avni: Dont be stubborn Neil. You have an injury. So you sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the floor. Go.

                Avni made Neil sleep on the bed. When Avni was about to sleep on the floor, Neil holds her hand and pulled her towards him. Avni falls onto the bed and sees him. Avni tries to get up from the bed, but Neil holds her strongly.

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