Chapter 1

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You were in Diagon Alley with your best friends Ginny, Hermione and your daughter Stella.

"Ella, stop it. We won't get ice cream on our way back if you keep acting like this." You say, and Stella frowns at you as she grabs your iPod player from your purse

She puts the earbuds in and listens to music. If that stops her from misbehaving, she can do that.

You pick her up and hold her as you look at the stuff you need to buy

"Found it yet?" Ginny asks, and you shake your head

"No, but you wanna take Stella? Maybe show her something cool she's not happy with waiting for so long." You say, and Ginny nods as Hermione helps you with your search

But then, an hour later, someone walks into the store and stops, shocked

|Dracos pov|

Walking into the store, I glimpsed a woman who resembled my ex y/n. My heart skips a beat, but I quickly dismiss the thought. It couldn't possibly be her. She's dead. I saw her funeral; I saw her gravestone. It must be my mind playing tricks on me.

Just then, I hear footsteps approaching and see Ginny Weasley walking towards me with a young child in tow. "Y/n m/n l/n, where have you been? Your daughter has been asking for you," 

I freeze, my eyes widening in shock. Y/n is alive? How is that possible? I was told she had died. My parents had gone to great lengths to convince me of her death, even staging a funeral and erecting a gravestone.

"Sweetie, we'll go home soon." She said as she smiled. She was alive, and I didn't know what to think. The blond-haired little girl with grey eyes had to be my daughter, right?

"What an overdramatic kid," Ginny says and y/n laughs. And yeah, definitely my kid. I'm the most overdramatic person in existence.

"Well that's Ella for you, if I don't make her food in 4 minutes she pretends she died." She says, and I don't know what to do. Do I walk up to her? Or no? I don't know what to do.

But after about 5 minutes, I tense up as I realize y/n was looking at me, and then her mouth opens as she speaks to me.


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