Chapter 22

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When you came back Draco told you about the money and you nod

"Ah thanks dray." You say as Draco smiles he didn't care about your job he gets why you did it to help raise his daughter keep a roof over her head and feed her

If he was there you probably wouldn't have had to do it but because he wasn't you had to and he completely understands

"Y/n I hope you know I'll never judge you right?" Draco says and you smile and nod

"Yeah of course why are you saying this?" You say and Draco shrugs

"Just reminding you because I love you." Draco says and you nod

"Ok my friend didn't say anything did they?" You ask and Draco shakes his head

"No I just think I wanted to tel you that because we'll be getting together soon or are we already together?" Draco asks and you sigh

"Not until your divorced I feel weird about it otherwise ok?" You say and Draco nods and rests his forehead on yours

"I can't wait to be with you together again, your all I still will ever want." Draco says and you smile he had said that so many times to you in the past 'Your all I will ever want.'

So many people would say you can't be with Draco or your less than him it'll never work

You had tried to break it off with Draco a few times when you doubted you were good enough for him

But he'd never let you

He once laughed when you said I think we need to break up you deserve someone better and then he said nope your stuck with me forever

You hug Draco and smile as he hugs you back and kisses the top of your head

'I love Draco so much and I just wanna be with him, making him wait is torture for the both of us.'

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