Chapter 37

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|10 years later|

You and Draco were moving from your place in the muggle world back to the manor because well you and Draco needed more space and that house has a lot especially with all your kids you needed more space for them all

And the house you bought before well it was fine just could be better

Draco didn't feel like he could move back in for awhile well it's took 10 years until Draco was like I think I'm ready to go back now

Especially with Stella in Hogwarts and she has been for a few years since she's 14 now and scorpius and Aries are 10 and about to start in a year

But as you and Draco were unpacking and controlling children and stopping them from getting hurt 

When Narcissa and Lucius walk in

They didn't look pleased and then Lucius clears his throat to make himself known

"Oh hi." Draco says as the twins hide behind him scared of people and well when you and Draco adopted them they were even scared of you and Draco, now you and Draco are the only people they aren't scared of, well plus their siblings, but well they definitely enjoy seeing Draco do any sort of magic since they've never been around that before. "Oh it's ok darlings it's ok I'm here to protect you two." Draco says and his parents weren't happy as scorpius was somewhere to find a bedroom he wants

"We see your back." His dad says not happy and Draco nods

"Yeah we decided since scorp and Aries will be going to Hogwarts soon and Stella is currently in Hogwarts, we wanted to be closer, and Stella wanted to be closer to her girlfriend too." Draco says and you nod Stella and Andrea they were best friends when they both joined Hogwarts then over years they fell in love and dated, Stella was nervous to come out to you and Draco but you both love her no matter what, and your just happy she found someone who makes her smile like how Draco makes you smile

"Speaking of Aries he's gonna visit us next week." You say and Draco nods which Aries loves the farm he loves taking care of the animals

So even if he could live with you and Draco and has been able to since he was 5 he doesn't want to

"Who is Aries?" Narcissa asks and Draco sighs

"My son the one you forced me to have, he's been getting raised by y/ns cousins and her wife." Draco says and Narcissa and Lucius were shocked and not happy at all as the twins were still hiding and Draco holds them close to him

"Those twins look nothing like you Draco did y/n cheat? We told you she was no good." Lucius says and Draco looks at the twins and smile

"No me and y/n adopted them, we were struggling having kids one year we wanted another one and well we got picked for these two to adopt, we did just want one but two was even better." Draco says tickling the little 5 year olds who then giggle happily

You smile as you shift the 1 month old so their more comfortable in your arms

"I think she needs to go nap I'll go put her in her cot upstairs." You whisper and Draco nods

You both didn't plan to have another kid but we'll all the kids were out and you and Draco got a little carried away and well boom pregnant again

Narcissa and Lucius were silently judging yours and Draco's life

"If we cut you off from the money you would go broke and would never be able to support them all." Lucius says and he can't do that but just wanted to threaten Draco

Draco just tells the twins to go pick out a room and go annoy scorpius and they run off happily

"Eh you know our sex work pays well for me and y/n still so we could make enough to live without that money." Draco says and his parents looked horrified that their son was doing sex work? "Yeah I film or stream me and y/n having sex and people pay to watch it." Draco says and his parents were even more horrified that Draco was doing this "Now I'm busy settling my family in to our house so bye." Draco says getting them out and then closing the door behind them

Draco sighs as he smiles as he hears the twins screaming Scorpius dad told us to annoy you

'Oh I am so happy to have the family I want in his house last time I was in here I was married to Astoria and I hated my life, now I'm so happy with it. Like it may have took four years to be able to find my happiness again but I'm so glad I walked into that shop and saw y/n again, I love her so much.'

And I'm ending it there hope you enjoyed if you loved this check out my other Harry Potter books


Draco's love

Scorpius plays matchmaker

Unexpectedly dating

James ex

Professor lupins wife

The one I used to love

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