Chapter 3

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You were in your apartment when someone knocks on the door

You step on a bunch of Stellas toys as you get to the door

Then you were shocked to see Draco he had one hand leaning on the door frame above his head the other behind his back

"Hey beautiful." Draco says winking at you and you stop shocked

"Aren't you married?" You say and Draco laughs as he then looked at you seriously

"It was an arranged marriage please let me explain my side." Draco says and you sigh and move and allow him in which he takes a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back and hands them to you

They were the same flowers he gave you on your first date with him

You were shocked it was an arranged marriage? So how did he leave you for her then?

"I didn't leave you for her." Draco says and you looked shocked how did he know what you were thinking? "It's all over your face I don't need to read your mind to know that, seems I can still read you like a book." Draco says as he waves his wand and puts all the toys in a neat pile to the side as you ended up stepping on a few again

"Look I don't know what you want me to say." You say and Draco smiles

"That you still love me like I love you." Draco says and you sigh

"Draco can we not do this right now?" You ask and Draco sighs

"Why not? Let's get back together." He asks you shake your head you can't he's married you won't be a mistress, you will never sink that low in your life

Draco then asks to see the letter that he supposedly sent

You get up to go get it and hand it to him you kept it to remind you to never date again, because men don't deserve your time and that you don't need a man ever in your life again

As Draco was reading it then there was a knock on the door again and you run and open it

"Hey Harry thanks for watching her as I work today, you and Ginny life savers." You say and Harry smiles

"No problem, she fell asleep on our way back here, so guess that's good for you, now I'll go now uncle Harry loves you Ella I'll see you next time your mom needs a day off." Harry says and then he leaves as you thank him again and he just does a thumbs up for you

You turn around as you walk to Stellas bedroom and put her to bed

"Please let me get to know her, if I knew you didn't actually die and were pregnant I wouldn't have married Astoria, I don't love her I actually can't tolerate her she's not mean or anything just she's not you and all I want is you." Draco says and you blush you couldn't help yourself

"Draco I can't stop you from getting to know your daughter you have every legal right to spend time with her, but your married so stop flirting with me." You say and Draco shrugs

"I'll get a divorce, it will take a few years probably but as long as in the end your waiting for us." Draco says and you sigh

"Let's just be friends for now." You say and Draco looked like you just said I am dying I only have one day left that's how upset he looked

"Oh......Ok." Draco says as you both talk about Stella then as Draco just wanted to push you onto the couch and kiss you 'I missed her so much, being friends is gonna be torture when I get horny at just the thought of her, damm it's worse when I look at her.'

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