Chapter 19

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Its been 3 months and Astoria has been trying to get Draco to come home and to not divorce her

And his parents are doing the same thing

Draco won't listen, he's saying he's never stepping foot inside that manor until Satan is gone and not married to him anymore

Today Astoria and Dracos parents came and Draco was snogging you on the couch when they walked right on in

"I'm so horny for you y/n." Draco says and you gasp shocked as you both then realized who's here "Hey fuck off I'm trying to get y/n to have sex with me, so leave your ruining the mood." Draco says as he goes back to kissing your neck

"Draco no your leaving that muggleborn." His mom says and Draco kisses you

"My divorce is technically final it just won't be official until the stupid kid is born." Draco says and Astoria frowns

"I can't even be around my kid once their born and you don't even want it, so let's cancel the divorce so I can have my child back." Astoria says and Draco shakes his head

"No thanks now leave or I'll just have sex with y/n right in front of you all." Draco says and they left immediately "Yeah well that got them away finally, anyways can we?" Draco asks and you shake your head

"No." You say and Draco frowns

"Fine I just said all that stuff to get them away, I wouldn't actually have sex with you in front of them." Draco says and you nod

"I love you so much dray, I missed you so much." You say and Draco smiles

"I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere I promise." Draco says as you smile "So where you work?" Draco says and you roll your eyes

"I'm not telling you." You say and Draco was shocked

"What but I wanna know I'm gonna be your husband soon enough." Draco says and you roll your eyes

"Yeah ok Draco, we aren't even dating again, so I'll be going to work tomorrow and when we start dating again then I'll tell you my job." You say and Draco smirks

'Why is she so secretive about her job? What does she murder people or something?'

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