Chapter 29

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"HOW DARE YOU!" You yell and Astoria laughs as she hugs Draco

"Oh Draco this is where you belong with me not with the mudblood." She says and Draco nods his head "Now I just need to stop our divorce don't I?" Astoria says and you laugh

"You can't without showing he's love potioned and then they'll give him the antidote and same with if you try and marry him after your divorce is finale." You say and Astoria frowns

"Oh don't worry Draco darling we'll figure it out one day maybe we'll marry in a different country." Astoria says and tears were streaming down your face

You stand up and touch Draco's face and he looked at you like don't touch me

"Draco I know you can hear me please you can fight this come back to me." You say and Astoria laughs as Draco frowns at you

"Don't touch me only my love Astoria can touch me you disgusting pig." Draco says and you knew it wasn't him but it still hurt

Astoria then takes Draco's hand and he follows her out of the flat just doing whatever Astoria wants

"He'll never truly love you it's not real love." You say and Astoria laughs

"I don't care all I want is him with me in my arms now I do so this is all that matters for me." Astoria says as she leaves and tells Draco it's time to go and to never speak to you again

"Of course love." And that was the last thing you heard Draco say before they disappeared

'I don't know how to save him, if I do anything he'll try and hurt me the only thing I hope for is Astoria doesn't give him the potion one day and Draco wakes up, but who knows how many years that could be? I may have lost him forever again.'

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