Chapter 4

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You had explained everything to Stella and she was at first confused and asked what's a dad?

You didn't know how to explain it but you tried your best to in the best little kid way you could

|Dracos pov|

I was so happy since I found out y/ns alive and I have a daughter, like I was planning on being the last Malfoy because no way was I having kids with Astoria

I had convinced y/n to let me babysit Stella as she had shopping to do, this would be my test to show y/n how great of a dad I am, I knew I had to slowly gain her trust again and I will

Which I always know how to convince y/n, can't use sex anymore but I'm still a great convincer besides that

I run downstairs and wait at the door as I wait for y/n to arrive

I was nervous and excited and I didn't realize Astoria staring at me so confused because to her I looked like some excited dog, who just saw it's owners for the first time in a week

When I hear a knock on the door I waited a minute then open it can't seem too eager

"Wow took forever." I say and y/n rolls her eyes

"I'll be back at 6 make sure she eats her vegetables she will put up a fight, anymore questions about how to handle a four year old?" You ask and Draco shakes his head

"Nope I'm good I'll talk to you later y/n." I say and Astoria looked confused y/n? As in my ex girlfriend who died?

"Hey Ella so you excited to spend most of your day with me?" I ask and she nods as she hides behind my leg slightly 'First time babysitting what the fuck do I do?' Draco thinks as he thinks for a few seconds "Ok now what do you like to do sweetie?" I ask and Stella thinks

"Do you have TV?" She asks and I shake my head

"No I don't, you know what just for you I'll get one, next time you come over I'll have one." I say and Stella was happy about that

I then find toys I had as a kid in the manor and let her play with them

I felt happy so happy, like I've always wanted a child, well really only with y/n, and now I have that

My parents won't be happy a bit but I don't care, divorce in the wizarding world is hard and long and super frowned upon, but I'll do it I don't care if I am perceived badly in peoples eyes, because I want to be with y/n, and I want to raise Stella with her 'Well maybe it won't be hard, me and Astoria barely do talk even if we've been married for four years, but who knows if she decides she doesn't want one then it's gonna be hard.'

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